Tech Freedom

Tech Freedom: Setting You Free, One Device, One Account at a Time.

We are here to teach and help you on your personal and business journey toward freedom from Big Tech, while still staying connected in more private and secure ways.

tech freedom

About Us

Tech Freedom is a passion project, started because I believe that Big Tech needs to be ended. The way that I see to move forward is to make it as easy as possible for every person and business to understand why  (the reality of the spying Google does on everyone, coupled with the ongoing release of the Twitter Files, proving collusion between 3-letter agencies and Twitter to not only surveil users, but to control the narrative on the platform by stifling free speech), as well as how one can get free. This is through both how-to’s and products and services we offer. 

Why Choose Us

Excellent Customer Service

Patience, active listening, problem solving, and a willingness to take whatever time you need to get things done for you.

Decades Of Experience

We can help you get free, no matter the scenario.


Your data is yours. We will not keep any of your data.

Proven Track Record

No matter how inept or adept you feel about technology, our team of qualified technicians will work hard to give you an easy and hassle-free experience.


Ranging from Guided DIY to White Glove Service

Free Your Phone

Guided DIY to Degoogle any compatible phone.

Free Your Internet

Reclaim your digital rights, recover your data, and switch online platforms and services.

Freedom Overhaul

One fell swoop breaking as many chains as possible and replacing them with freer, more private options.


I had a wonderful experience with Matthew form Tech Freedom fixing my computer today. It Took Matthew less than 5 minutes to fix this problem I had for a while and no one could fix. So happy. After my laptop fix he explained few things and we had nice chat. Highly recommending him for computer tech needs.
The pixel 2xl is working fine. Takes some getting use to it. It's nice having a phone that can make calls, send messages, get internet, and no spying. I use it only for family calls and I dont get flooded by ads,
Dennis Clark

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