Tech Freedom

Who Are You? Week 5

Who Are You? Week 5


Thank you that you explain what it means to live as your children, your ambassadors, here. Help me, as a man, to choose to sacrifice myself rather than to demand more than I give. Help me to live loved, so that I can be free from the ways of the world.
In Jesus’name,
On Monday, we were reminded that we are beloved children of God, which also makes us ambassadors of the Kingdom. Like any child, we should aspire to be like our Papa. As we spend more time with Him, and learn of and from Him, forsaking the ways we used to live should get easier. This makes it easier to represent Him and be a good ambassador here on earth, as that is what you are, in Christ: an ambassador of the Kingdom of God. How can we represent a holy God if we are not holy ourselves. We talked a little bit about holiness the week before last, but in short, it is this desire to be like our Father, a response of love to the love that we receive on a daily basis.
On Wednesday, we described the holiness that we are to aspire to, the difference in our lives that should be emblematic for us. This passage refers back to the previous section about ones who live according to the world: sexually immoral, greedy, impure, and idolatrous. Don’t listen to one who lives like this, no matter how impressive their words may sound. Live in Light, not darkness. You are unified with Christ and have His light in you. Therefore, you are to live in light and holiness not the darkness of sin, which only hurts you and those around you in the long run.
On Friday, we learned how we are to related to one another. Men, we are servant-leaders. Women, you are to be devoted to your men as the Church is devoted to Jesus. Men, we are to sacrifice ourselves for our wives and families as Jesus did for us. These are lofty pinnacles which we are told to aim for. Notice the words servant and sacrifice, men. They give us the right to ask certain things, but only if our lives reflect this ideal. This is not a ticket to be able to simply make demands of our wives, we need to be re-formed in Christ, so that we are not complete jerks. Women, respond in love to your men, even if he does not treat you properly. That doesn’t mean that you need to be a doormat, however, you are called to love the one you are married to, not to be some sort of butterfly flitting from man to man, either.

So, who are we, this week? We are holy ambassadors of the Holy King. We are His dearly loved children, so moved by the love He gives us that we start to emulate it in our daily lives, rather than living as the world does. This extends to how husbands and wives are designed to complement one another: the man is to image Jesus by laying his life down for his bride, rather than being a conceited jerk (like a typical Roman Pater Familias) and sitting around ordering the family about. Our service to our families is what confers authority to us, not merely being the sperm donor. Women (wives), respond in faithful love to your husband, honor your vows to him. This is a general rule, not meant to apply in situations of neglect or abuse or infidelity. At the same time, you shouldn’t be buzzing from man to man thinking that the grass is always greener outside the bounds of her marriage. If a man is busy sacrificing himself for his wife and family, then he won’t have time or energy to add a different “Yes” to the “Yes” he already spoke to his bride on their wedding day.

Memesplanations – Who Are You? Week 5

Memesplanations: Who Are You ? Week 5

Ephesians 5:1-2

Be imitators of God in everything you do,  for then you will represent your Father as his beloved sons and daughters. And continue to walk surrendered to the extravagant love of Christ, for he surrendered his life as a sacrifice for us. His great love for us was pleasing to God, like an aroma of adoration—a sweet healing fragrance.


Like any child, we should aspire to be like our Papa. As we spend more time with Him, and learn of and from Him, forsaking the ways we used to live should get easier. This makes it easier to represent Him and be a good ambassador here on earth, as that is what you are, in Christ: an ambassador of the Kingdom of God.


#ephesians #whoareyou #Bible #identity #memesplanation #TechFreedom #spiritualityntech

Ephesians 5:6-8

Don’t be fooled by those who speak their empty words and deceptive teachings telling you otherwise. This is what brings God’s anger upon the rebellious! Don’t listen to them or live like them at all. Once your life was full of sin’s darkness, but now you have the very light of our Lord shining through you because of your union with him. Your mission is to live as children flooded with his revelation-light!


This refers back to the previous section about ones who live according to the world: sexually immoral, greedy, impure, and idolatrous. Don’t listen to one who lives like this, no matter how impressive their words may sound. Live in Light, not darkness. You are unified with Christ and have His light in you.


#ephesians #whoareyou #Bible #identity #memesplanation #TechFreedom #spiritualityntech

Ephesians 5:21-26

And out of your reverence for Christ be supportive of each other in love. For wives, this means being devoted  to your husbands like you are tenderly devoted to our Lord, for the husband provides leadership for the wife, just as Christ provides leadership for his church, as the Savior and Reviver of the body. In the same way the church is devoted to Christ, let the wives be devoted to their husbands in everything.

And to the husbands, you are to demonstrate love for your wives with the same tender devotion that Christ demonstrated to us, his bride. For he died for us, sacrificing himself to make us holy and pure, cleansing us through the showering of the pure water of the Word of God.


Men, we are servant-leaders. Women, you are to be devoted to your men as the Church is devoted to Jesus. Men, we are to sacrifice ourselves for our wives and families as Jesus did for us. These are lofty pinnacles which we are told to aim for. Notice the words servant and sacrifice, men. This is not a ticket to be able to simply make demands of our wives, we need to be re-formed in Christ, so that we are not complete jerks. Women, respond in love to your men, even if he does not treat you properly. That doesn’t mean that you need to be a doormat, however, you are called to love the one you are married to, not to be some sort of butterfly flitting from man to man, either.


#ephesians #whoareyou #Bible #identity #memesplanation #TechFreedom #spiritualityntech

Stephan’s Linux Story

FOSS News Big Show 7 - An Intro to Stephan Olvera's Linux Story

I inherited Windows OS computers for 20 years of my life and knew nothing else.

There was no need to question what my family and every other family used.

Hence when those family computers began to break down – we simply bought a new one.


I already had a good hardware laptop that lasted over 10 years yet the OpenGL was outdated after all that time had passed. I didn’t know that until after I spent a grueling 2 days getting Windows from Vista to 7.

Software was upgrading so I decided to upgrade; unfortunately – I saw the tyranny of Windows.

Never occurred to me until 2018 that something nefarious was going on with the Task Manager.

I read all the articles I could find, tried all the methods yet could never get the Manager to comply with my commands; I was always overridden. CPU running at 100% always.

Windows OS was effectively killing my computers. There was also lag from over-used threads.

It didn’t help that the hardware being used had fragile fans too.

My family and friends knew little of OS swapping yet I began to realize I had to leave Windows forever. Apple didn’t seem much better hence didn’t take long to find mention of Linux.

Problem was…  what Distro to use? T’was obvious from forums that it mattered yet I knew nothing.

After losing my last two laptops (one lasted 11 years while the other only 3 yet lost both at the same time and left me without a work-station). I spent the next 3 months scouring the net for info on Linux and hardware that worked well with Linux.

I eventually ended up realizing that certain videos explained the different Linux Distros and I ended up realizing that Manjaro was the one suitable for the demands of my work and my inexperience with Linux.

Even before I swapped to Linux. I realized that I couldn’t keep using proprietary art software especially when corporations were going with subscription models and I needed something more open-source.

Hence even while I was still on Windows; I re-learned my key-shortcut methods using new apps as I knew that this was going to be worthwhile later in life as I would find ways to swap over to only open source on as many aspects of my daily work life as possible.

This would give me freedom I had never known on Windows. The fact that my CPU is no longer tyrannically forced to run at 100%, my fans barely have to work compared to before, my current laptop never overheats while performing simple tasks, I’m able to use apps that are more economic on storage and ram usage, the entire work-flow is more stable overall. A true upgrade.

The early days of my decision to swap over to Linux was fraught with fear and dread that I would get all the required components to function in steps required.

Glad to say that the various Linux Distro forums really helped as I eventually made my way reading more and more into Manjaro related tech support on how to make the swap.

I didn’t communicate with any Linux experts. I merely kept watching videos, kept reading various forums, kept the non-stop re-search as I grew in confidence that I could make the jump.

Even after I had acquired my hardware (with Windows pre-installed of course; had to find videos and forums on how to get pesky Windows outta my laptop); t’was a challenge making sure I hadn’t forgotten any important steps hence I went over the check-list again and again.

I eventually installed Manjaro correctly and after many tense moments later… success!

Of course; t’was not over yet! I had to learn some basic command-line phrases to get the repository mirrors made available correctly, make sure to write the update method that I needed, and study the apps that were available and well-supported within the Distro Repository.

Hence; t’was much work however well worth it. No more Windows, no more hassle ever since.

Of course… Linux has it’s challenges when trying to make games function however as a creative type; I knew that I was comfortable learning that too and went looking into compatibility tools.

I had noticed over the years that Open-Source, Donation-Based, Contribution-Community types of software seem to have an advantage in the sense that well-supported apps can get tools that are more needed sooner potentially and the ability to learn from related blogs and news helps much.

I’ve also noticed that more and more Pc-game players note of using Linux Distros hence I realized that I wanted to support them by learning more about the motives that move people to swap over to Linux. I appreciate all the tools that are being updated based on the feedback that just seems to flow much better in the Open-Source community of forums overall.

And while nothing is perfect in life; the fact I don’t have to deal with a tyrannical overlord that spies, destroys, and overrides the demands of my work during daily tasks is a breath of fresh life.

I still want to support Windows gamers in my future projects however I have no desire to return to Windows for my main work-stations. Only on the side to test builds when needed.

As for now. Linux gets the job I need done and that’s all that matters for my needs currently.

I have seen others who see little need to swap to Linux. Sometimes it’s a just a matter of efficiency if that’s what you need. I understand Windows is very compatible however it’s exchanged at a cost of privacy, reliability, and longevity.

That’s why I encourage anyone that if Windows or another troublesome OS is bearing down too heavily on you. Try and find a user-friendly Linux Distro; you will not be disappointed if willing to learn and sweat as I did discovering the simplicity of basic commands and faster update cycles. Have a blessed day!

By Stephan “Steffire” Olvera

Weekend Edition 41 – AI News Bonanza & Elon Not So Pro Free Speech…

Weekend Edition 41

It Was Only a Matter of Time… AI Child Abuse Images A Problem.
Regulation Coming? Probably
Thinking About Having ChatGPT Write Something Important?
Baidu AI Better Than ChatGPT?
AI Certification From MS?
More Stringent Export Rules Coming Soon
Musk Not So Free Speech-Friendly After All?

WE 1 – Only A Matter Of Time… I Wish I Didn’t Have to Write This Piece
Well, the UK has discovered that there is a huge community of people who are using tools like Stable Diffusion and its OSS counterparts to create images which should never have had any reason to exist. Not only porn, which is kind of a foregone conclusion at this point, but child porn. They call it CSAM (Child Sexual Abuse Materials), and it will get you banned from many of those tools if you try to create it using them. They have found that Patreon has not been effective in their stated policy of 0 tolerance for these kinds of materials. Authorities have noted a number of creators on the platform who sell subscription access to these sorts of materials on the platform. The report, by the National Police Chiefs’ Council, has made the rounds and made it to GCHQ, which is the heart of the UK’s intelligence, security, and cyber efforts. Hey commented that “Child sexual abuse offenders adopt all technologies and some believe the future of child sexual abuse material lies in AI-generated content.” I would push back and say that it is just as much the present as it is the future. This story shouldn’t need to be written because there should never be a reason for anyone to create any porn, much less depictions (whether real or not) of stealing the innocence of a child. However, it is a pretty accurate barometer of a society or civilization has become depraved enough for such things to be commonplace at all. This version of humanity needs an overhaul. These sorts of behaviors need swift justice with no mercy. It must be eradicated. Beyond that, society needs a heart transplant, the heart of stone which has been carefully cultivated by the Powers & Principalities and their semi-human minions, for a heart of human flesh, brought back to life by the 7 Spirits of God. We need a baptism in fire and the Real. Only that can wipe out the heart issues which lead to the creation and consumption of any kind of erotic materials. Brief soapbox sermon coming…
Hear me clearly, I am not saying that the human body is something to be hidden away or to become ashamed of. What I am saying is that the objectification of another human being is wrong. No one deserves to be reduced that way. God made our bodies beautiful and made reproduction an enjoyable experience, one which knits two people into one over a lifetime. That is why it is so destructive to allow ourselves to engage with lust rather than to grow into the Real of love. When we step back from those tendencies and allow Love to break through our shells and humble us, then we can see healing and freedom. When we choose to relate to others as fellow humans rather than as objects to manipulate and use in some way which demeans them (and ourselves), then porn and lust will no longer be the strongholds that they currently are. Celebrate and appreciate the beauty of others, God made it, but choose to see the person, not just your attraction to the perception you have of them.
Back to the story, though, here’s the cycle that investigators have seen: create CSAM images, share the tame ones on platforms like Pixiv, which is hosted in Japan, where such things are not illegal, then link to subscription platforms for the nastier stuff. Send other users to platforms like Patreon where the darkest stuff is behind a paywall (same old story as e-THOTs and cam performers). It is hard to put a dent in these things when it is legal in places such as Japan (think about hentai, much of which is related to abusing children… That is big money industry, y’all). Does this sort of thing fall under the aegis of free speech, or is it something which is right for governments to shut down? I think I already stated my strong opinion above, but what do y’all think?

WE 2 – Google Talking AI Regulation with EU
You know me well enough by now, I think, that you probably know more or less what I’m likely to say about this, however, here I go anyway. Small gov’t = more freedom, more freedom = better life in general for we the people. More regulations, whether necessary to put a check on unethical and evil individuals and corporations are always a double-edged sword. They cut both ways. As with the previous story, there needs to be a heart change, but that can only come from surrender to Jesus Christ. Until then, until there is a revival of genuine relationship with God, bigger gov’t, which comes through more extensive regulations and less freedom for we the people is an unfortunate necessity, if we stay within the current system. So, what is being talked about? Government agencies being formed to more or less audit all new AI models and tools before commercial release, trying to put a check on the ridiculous pace of development on these tools and platforms, and other similar things. On the surface, aside from the almost hysteria that is fueled by things like the open letter from industry insiders back in March, it looks like a positive thing, but as I said before, more regulations = less freedom. If you are afraid of the technology, simply refuse to use it. It is still possible. If you are concerned about things like privacy more than “AI taking over the world”, then use FOSS models which you can set up an instance for and control what goes in so that what comes out is under your control and is free. As for recompensed the copyright issues, that is a tricky thing. We need to make sure that human creatives are for their intellectual labors, no matter what AI uses their work to learn from. Perhaps a rule about AI permutations of a creator’s work need to obtain some royalties of some sort. I don’t know. This is all very murky, to me.

WE 3 – A Couple of Lawyers Got Caught…
Bozos decided to use chatGPT to draft legal papers. Oops. They are colleagues from an NYC law firm, Levidow, Levidow, & Schwartz. I could make a joke about certain ethnicities and lawyers being unethical, but I don’t think I will. On separate cases, these geniuses decided to not only roll the dice and chance their whole documents being the product of a string of so-called “hallucinations” from chatGPT, but then doubled down and lied to the court repeatedly about it. These lazy, unethical attorneys should probably be run out of the profession for being lazy and immoral enough to not check the documents before submitting them, then lying to the court about the imaginary case law cited. #smh y’all. So they get bad publicity and a low ball fine of $5k apiece. I can’t even. Big shock that Peter LoDuca and Steven A. Schwartz (both of whom sound to be from a particular people group) would try to BS the court to get something positive for their clients. Half of the legal profession is based on sophistry, which basically means artfully disguised lying. I’m not saying that all lawyers are liars, but the profession has that reputation for a reason.

WE 4 – Could Baidu’s Ernie Be Better Than ChatGPT?
Well, according to Chinese State media, it very well may be already. If true, and the published results for Ernie 3.5 are real, then it is quite impressive. However, until those results are reproduced independently, I do not put much weight behind them. Ernie is not available officially in English, but could be. So much speculation in this piece that I struggle to take it seriously. Baidu, for all accounts and purposes, IS Google behind the Great Firewall of China, and it has a full suite of apps & services, just as Google does everywhere else. This article salivates at the thought of CCP controlled “competition” for Google, which still holds 90% of the world’s search traffic. This needs to change, y’all. We can put a dent in it by choosing to stop using it. Sure, it will take conscious effort from FAR more people than will ever see this blog, but it can be and needs to be done. This giant needs to learn that it can’t be evil if it is going to continue growing the way it needs to in order to keep its market cap. It will be a hard thing for to write to ever praise Google for anything, until they fix their whole business model.

WE 5 – MS Seems to Be the Early Bird Here…
Microsoft is launching a free, basic intro-to-AI concepts certification program. May seem slightly overkill, as it is very easy to create prompts for chatGPT which get you close to what you want. However, the corporation is a trusted name in the computing space, and the course seems to promise help in refining your prompts to get what you want even more easily. Do you think this is necessary or even beneficial? Have you or your employer jumped on the bandwagon? I’ve only used generative AI directly twice, other than the summaries in Brave Search, which I actually don’t use much anymore because of that feature and due to the fact that I’ve noticed left-bias creeping into their results. I have largely switched to Qwant these days. But I digress. What do you guys think about this move from Microsoft?

WE 6 – US Harshing Even More on China’s AI Vibes
New regulations banning or at least even more severely limiting the export of processors which could be used to beef up AI to China are going into effect soon. Nvidia, the maker of some of the best AI chips in the world, has already seen a stock valuation hit from the announcement. The chip which Nvidia hamstrung so that they could sell it to China, the A800, looks like it is unlikely to make the cut under the new regulations. Remember last fall, when I covered the introduction of the current regulatory framework? The basic idea is that Depends’ handlers do not want the CCP gaining any more ground on the ailing US tech and military sectors (due to intentional failures in our educational system, in my opinion), so they are seeking to kneecap the CCP by cutting off its supply of US chips. Sure, they are also looking to invest Biden Bucks in tech mega corps who make these chips (NVIDIA, Samsung, Intel, Qualcomm, and AMD), but without the gains in education that we need in order to lead in creating innovation the way we have for the last 50-60 years, since the transistor became a thing. Our problem is a long-term one, and simply cutting supply for our rivals won’t solve the problems we face, currently. This is an issue which is pervasive and systemic, as well as being intentionally created through forcing students to adopt “rightthink” rather than simply teaching them facts and critical thinking skills and letting them be. So much brainpower has been wasted on teaching people WHAT to think, rather than HOW to think, that there isn’t enough left over for real thought and innovation which is actually necessary for our nation and our world to thrive into the future. These things need to be purged from our education system so that real, true things can be taught, and kids can grow up to think critically and logically for themselves, but I digress. What do you guys think about trying to slap a bandaid on a gaping wound like this?

WE 7 – Wait, Elon Isn’t the Champion of Free Speech?
Nope. He’s just a guy who has gotten filthy rich on government subsidies and programs which benefit the companies he has either started or purchased. He has profited immensely from the “Green” scam which has so many people convinced that Teslas are the greatest thing since sliced bread. He is also a fat cat based on his contracts with NASA for the Falcon and Falcon heavy rockets from SpaceX. I’ve never been on the Elon hype train, guys. You know that if you’ve watched my videos for any amount of time. I’m tired of talking about this clown. He was smart enough to get involved with PayPal in the early days, along with Peter Thiel, and others. That was what netted him his first billion. After that, he bought Tesla, founded SpaceX, the Boring Company, and Neuralink. So, not only has Elon’s leadership led to an INCREASE in censorship on the behest of gov’t actors, but he has arbitrarily shut down conversations and forms of speech that he decides he doesn’t like, for instance, now it is a ban-able offense to use the term “cis” on Twitter. That one makes me laugh, actually. However, the writer of this article makes a valid point that Elon’s “free speech absolutism” is, or at least appears to be little more than a joke at this point, only worthy of being memed in the the ground (my addition). I’ve never trusted the man. Honestly, 5 or 6 years ago, I’d drool whenever I saw a Tesla go by. Not any more. The shine has worn off “bigly”, now, I actually have to suppress a desire to call the person who bought it an idiot. Could it be that he is showcasing how arbitrary any limitations on speech really are? Maybe, and while I don’t trust him, I still have a deeply ingrained desire to see the best in others until they prove that they are unworthy of that beneficial doubt. Elon has yet to do that in my book. I am deeply suspicious of him, though, and I do not see that changing anytime soon.

Who Are You? Week 4

Who Are You? Week 4


Thank you that you have knit us and are knitting us into one body, the body of Christ. Help us to remember this when we are tempted to shred another member of the Body. Help us to grow in maturity rather than dependence on our pastors and teachers. Help us to love you better, today.
In Jesus’ name,
Who are you? You are part of one body, and have one spirit, the Holy Spirit. That is who you are. Why do we not see this in most gatherings of believers? Why have we allowed incorrect emphases to dominate our minds and hearts and destroy t hat reality? We have a shared divine calling and a high rank, thus we need to live and operate differently than we have in the past. Wake up. We have slumbered, lulled to sleep by fluffy, happy motivational speeches disguised as sermons, many of us for years. This passage reminds me of a few others in Paul’s letters; in the Pastorals, we see him advising Timothy and others to put out those who are stuck on genealogies and other controversial things, in Galatians, he bashes the Galatian gatherings for adopting the ways of the judaizers. Where have we missed the memo? When did the Body of Christ become Bodies of Christ?
On Wednesday, we learned that the helpers in the Body, meant to raise it up to full maturity, fall into 5 primary groups: apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers, and pastors. It is not who you are, but these are things that many of us have been called to participate in and do. These offices are still very vital and active (not just the last 3). We are to experience the fullness of knowing Jesus, oneness in the faith of Christ, and fully spiritually mature people. I do not see that in many corners of the Body of Christ, I do not claim to have attained to this, yet, either. However, I want to get there, so cutting myself off from some of these offices, which are all meant to help me in that maturing process, does not make sense.
On Friday, we were reminded that we are holy. That is, called to act differently from the world around us. We do not walk in spiritual apathy because we know the Truth, and He has set us free. We have purer logic than the world, as it has been adjusted by being in Christ. Our consciences are actually functional to help us be different. That is who we are, we are a holy people. We are each holy as individuals as well. This holiness is meant to be a relational, love-based response to the love of God. Think about how you find yourself responding to people who genuinely love you vs those who just put up with you for the most part. Do you find yourself wanting to be with, much less focus effort on pleasing people who just put up with you? What about those who really love you? You want to do what you can to encourage those people to stick around, don’t you? That is the foundation of holiness which is in view here, not simply following rules just to follow rules. If you really look at the Old Testament, though, that is the core of it there, as well, just most people couldn’t see that, so it became rote repetition of Torah in order to be blessed by YHWH, because like so many now, the people of Israel could not see through to the reality that God would or could even want to have a relationship with them.
So, what did we learn about ourselves from Ephesians 4 this week? There is one Body of Christ, and if we are in Him, we are it. Maturity comes through the faithful operation of the 5-fold ministry: apostle, prophet, evangelist, teacher, and pastor. These 5 roles will stay with the Body until all members are fully mature in the Lord, and as far as I can tell, we are nowhere near that place. I certainly am not. We are holy because God says we are, and we are called to grow into a holiness that is based on love, not obligation or rule-keeping, just for the sake of keeping rules.

Memesplanations – Who Are You? Week 4

This Week's Memesplanations

Memesplanation Short – Ephesians 4:1-4


Ephesians 4:1-4

As a prisoner of the Lord,  I plead with you to walk holy, in a way that is suitable to your high rank, given to you in your divine calling. With tender humility and quiet patience, always demonstrate gentleness and generous love toward one another, especially toward those who may try your patience. Be faithful to guard the sweet harmony of the Holy Spirit among you in the bonds of peace, being one body and one spirit, as you were all called into the same glorious hope of divine destiny.

We are one body, and have one spirit, the Holy Spirit. That is who we are. Why do we not see this in most gatherings of believers? Why have we allowed incorrect emphases to dominate our minds and hearts and destroy that reality? We have a shared divine calling and a high rank, thus we need to live and operate differently than we have in the past. Wake up. You have slumbered, lulled to sleep by fluffy, happy motivational speeches disguised as sermons, many of us for years.

Memesplanation Short – Ephesians 4:11-13


Ephesians 4:11-13

And he has appointed some with grace to be apostles, and some with grace to be prophets, and some with grace to be evangelists,  and some with grace to be pastors,  and some with grace to be teachers. And their calling is to nurture and prepare all the holy believers to do their own works of ministry, and as they do this they will enlarge and build up the body of Christ. These grace ministries will function until we all attain oneness into the faith, until we all experience the fullness of what it means to know the Son of God,  and finally we become one into a perfect man  with the full dimensions of spiritual maturity and fully developed into the abundance of Christ.

The 5-fold ministry: apostle, prophet, evangelist, teacher, pastor. It is not who you are, but these are things that many of us have been called to participate in and do. These offices are still very vital and active (not just the last 3). We are to experience the fullness of knowing Jesus, oneness in the faith of Christ, and fully spiritually mature people. I do not see that in many corners of the Body of Christ, I do not claim to have attained to this, yet, either. However, I want to get there, so cutting myself off from some of these offices, which are all meant to help me in that maturing process, does not make sense.

Memesplanation Short – Ephesians 4:18-19


Ephesians 4:18-19

So with the wisdom given to me from the Lord I say: You should not live like the unbelievers around you who walk in their empty delusions. Their corrupted logic has been clouded because their hearts are so far from God—their blinded understanding and deep-seated moral darkness keeps them from the true knowledge of God. Because of spiritual apathy, they surrender their lives to lewdness, impurity, and sexual obsession.

We act differently from the world around us. That is how we are holy. We do not walk in spiritual apathy because we know the Truth, and He has set us free. We have purer logic than the world, as it has been adjusted by being in Christ. Our consciences are actually functional to help us be different. That is who we are, we are a holy people. We are each holy as individuals as well.

Big Show 6

FOSS News Big Show 6

Big Show 6


Distro News

  • Nitrux Updating
  • New Linux Mint Beta
  • Freedom Consultation
  • RedHat Locks Down RHEL Stream Source Code

#distronews #TechFreedom #FOSSNews #NUTS #LinuxMint #RedHat

Distro News, Tech Freedom, FOSS News, NUTS, Linux Mint, Red Hat


  • OBS Studio Update
  • 4 Best Google Docs Alternatives
  • Degoogled
  • KDE 5.27.6

#FOSSNews #OBS #nomoregoogle #kdeupdates #TechFreedom

FOSS News, OBS update, Top 4 Google Docs Alts, KDE update, Tech Freedom


  • Xonotic Update
  • SDL 2.28 Released
  • Freedom Overhaul
  • DREAMM, Now with Linux Support

#FOSSFun #xonotic #sdl #dreamm #TechFreedom #FOSSNews

FOSS Fun, Xonotic Update, New SDL, DREAMM, Tech Freedom, FOSS News


#BigShow #FOSSNews #DistroNews #TechFreedom #LinnuxMint #RedHat #OBS #KDE #xonotic #SDL #DREAMM

Big Show, FOSS News, Distro News, FOSS Fun, Linux Mint, Red Hat, DREAMM, Tech Freedom


Distro News


Nitrux Update Tool System released to help you update your immutable installs. Aww NUTS… Sorry, I had to. Let’s take a look at NUTS, shall we? It is a CLI tool meant to enable much simpler upgrading, which to date, has meant downloading the newest ISO, burning it to a flash drive, booting into the live environment, then carefully avoiding your home partition when reinstalling the OS. This tool allows you to skip that tedious process. It is not currently available in releases, but you can install it using git. I love the idea of the OS, and immutability is a huge buzz word right now for a good reason. However, it is not ready in terms of their desktop UI tweaks to KDE, much less their Mauikit and Maui Desktop. I do not suggest anyone use Nitrux right now because of those UI issues, but other than that, the fundaments of the distro are super solid.

If you are using it, here is how to grab the NUTS package and use it:

git clone –depth=1 $HOME/nuts

sudo cp $HOME/nuts/usr/bin/nuts /usr/bin

sudo cp $HOME/nuts/etc/nuts.conf /etc


Once installed, use

sudo nuts to update your system

Or sudo nuts restore to use a backup which gets built automatically before you you actually update with the sudo nuts command 


DN 2 – New Linux Mint Beta

LM 21.2 “Victoria” has a new beta release. Mainstream Linux Mint is still based on Ubuntu Jammy Jellyfish, but this packs a whole raft of good stuff, in particular for the Cinnamon Desktop. Let’s preview what’s new, then shall we?

  • support for touchpad and touchscreen gestures (huge, here… About time)
  • a global Dark Mode setting for supporting GTK4/libadwaita apps
  • XDG Desktop Portal support to provide users with better compatibility for Flatpak apps
  • support for accent colors
  • a faster Nemo file manager with new folder icons
  • revamped tooltips and notifications

In terms of the OS itself, though, what is new with this next point release?

  • a much-improved login manager
  • better keyboard navigation
  • support for Wayland sessions
  • support for LXQt/Pademelon badges
  • a configurable layout for the Onboard on-screen keyboard
  • a scrollable session list
  • support for multiple keyboard layouts
  • better touchpad support with automatic detection and enablement of tap-to-click
  • Other Misc things
  • Full support for HEIF and AVIF images
  • update the in-house built Xreader document viewer app to properly support Adobe Illustrator documents
  • Update to Pix image viewer app with a rebase on the gThumb 3.12.2 image viewer.
  • Software Manager app
  • UI refresh
  • better scoring/sorting algorithms
  • tuned package list.
  • Warpinator app received support for the Landlock and Bubblewrap technologies to implement folder isolation

This is a whole lot for the very conservative Mint Team, considering this is just a point release not a full upgrade, ie from 21 to 22 (which is unlikely until sometime next year, after the next LTS version of Ubuntu is released in April, 2024). As an aside, if you want to try Linux Mint out, I strongly suggest that you go for the Debian Edition, which very much allows you to avoid all of the missteps with Canonical. Given, even mainstream Mint cuts out Snaps and much of the other stupidity from upstream, but it also isn’t as fast as the Debian Edition. In fact, I think that LMDE (Linux Mint Debian Edition) should be the default iteration for that distribution, rather than the original Ubuntu-based version because of the lack of Canonical mess and because it is just faster. 


Freedom Consultation

Free Call

Actionable steps to set you free 


DN 3 – Red Hat Goes Full Nazi, or Did They?

Ok, so until now, everything was more or less a free for all for any developer or team (Euro, Alma, Rocky, Etc) to access the open source codebase for RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux), but now the team at Red Hat has decided that they want to exercise some oversight or something (is this a frog in a pot kind of situation, though?) in terms of who and how many access their code base. I have to admit that I got click-baited by the It’s FOSS headline on this piece. Once I really read the article, though, I realized my initial reaction was unwarranted. Lots of questions about how this will shake out, however, for now it doesn’t appear to be that bad. Some overreacted, as I did at first, but according to gloriouseggroll, who works for Red Hat, this change is not so much meant to cut off access to the code, but it can make it inconvenient. Developers of RHEL-based distros simply need to sign up for a free developer account and life can go on as per normal. How much will this affect distros like Alma and Rocky Linux? It looks like not much in the immediate future, but who knows how much this change will feed into real lockdowns at Red Hat? Only time will tell. Let’s hope that RHEL doesn’t almost go proprietary and totally screw over anyone who depends on one of these binary-compatible distributions, not to mention the teams behind these distributions. 




FN 1 – OBS Studio 29.1.3 Released

So we have a new minor release out for the popular screen capture and streaming tool. I use this whenever I make a video or stream, so I get happy whenever they put out an update. What’s new?

  • Many bugs squashed
  • Source Record plugin by fixing a crash that occurred when properties are deleted in the callback
  • improves the AMF (Advanced Media Framework) encoder’s reconfiguration and dynamic bitrate as they didn’t work in previous releases (AMF is the AMD encoder)
  • AMF preset fallback to take into account the GPU reported throughput
  • Also fixed window and game capture issues
  • Also fixed audio settings issues
  • Also fixed service selection issues
  • crash with Freetype 2 text sources when non-ASCII text is used, and fixes other crashes in obs-websockets and Lua scripts.
  • Properties dialogs now closeable by hitting the cancel button
  • Fixed keyboard shortcuts weren’t displayed for some context menu items
  • the View menu’s “Source Toolbar” checkable menu item wouldn’t update when the “Show Source Toolbar” and “Hide Source Toolbar” hotkeys were used.
  • Fixed a bug where switching between “Fade” and “Fade to Black” for a quick transition would fail to work correctly
  • fixed an issue where unnecessary undo/redo entries were being created for text sources
  • fixed a bug where the placeholder text for “Group” would not be correctly localized when adding a new group.

Basically, a whole host of bug fixes, which I’ve come to expect with this project. OBS is a great FOSS project and deserves whatever support it can get. 


FN 2 – Tired of Volunteering Your Data to Big Tech?

This is a top 4 piece. Top 4 alternatives to using Google Docs. The first 3 make perfect sense for general use, but I don’t know that I agree that #4 needed to be on a general purpose list like this. The first one is OnlyOffice, which is designed to be self-hosted in a private cloud, but can just be used locally as well. The second is CryptPad, the third is EtherPad, and the fourth is CurveNote, which is designed for scientific use and as a CMS for scientific teams.

OnlyOffice Docs

Is a fully FOSS, MS Office compatible office suite which enables you to connect with a private cloud or simply create and edit documents, spreadsheets, and presentations locally. I use this on the daily. It generally just works, and is available cross-platform. One thing to keep in mind is that it will struggle to connect if you are using the flatpak version, as it has yet to be updated to the latest version. If you are working from a distro-specific package (AUR, DEB, etc), you are probably fine, and it will connect as soon as you tell it where to connect to. One thing that I wish was different would be that if it recognizes that you are in a given region, then it would default to measurements and layouts and page dimensions which reflect that region.  Other than that, this is an excellent option for both local and cloud based work. 




I’ve done a how-to on the best way to install CryptPad on your own server before. It is not as easy to integrate with nextcloud as OnlyOffice is, but on the other hand, it is end-to-end encrypted by default, so if you are collaborating on something which is of a sensitive nature, then CryptPad may be a better solution for you. It also has the ability to work with documents, notes, spreadsheets, and presentations in its entirely web-based editors. You have the option to self-host (but that can be a pain, see my video on it here: or use their French servers to store your files. This option not only gives you the protection of GDPR from the EU, but the extra layer of privacy laws present in France. You can choose to use it entirely for free, and without an account, but if you do that, then you won’t be able to collaborate with anyone. If you sign up for an account, you get a gig of storage for free and can start to collaborate with other users. If you pay a bit, then that storage level goes up, and your support urgency level goes up as well. 



Is purely web-based just like CryptPad, but only does text editing, and is not end-to-end encrypted. It is also purely self-hosted. If you want to try it out, you’ll have to stick it on your own server, which you can do by following these directions: or you can hop on someone else’s instance, of which, here is a list:, apparently.


Finally, we have Curvenote, which is more than a collaboration suite, as it is designed to be a content management system, or CMS, for scientists, engineers, or other technical professions. This is not technically FOSS, though it is freemium. That is, it has a free tier to whet your appetite, but it is limited to  1 private project and getting community based support, rather than unlimited private projects and dedicated support from the team who create the software. The paid plans start at $9/month 


So, as you can see, each of these options have their distinct benefits and drawbacks, as well as a likely intended audience. The most accessible one, in my opinion, is OnlyOffice. The most secure one is easily CryptPad. Etherpad is the simplest of them, where Curvenote is likely the most specifically targeted one of the bunch. 



Want to learn how to cut the umbilical to Mountain View, CA? Take a look at the blogs linked here. If you just want a Freed Phone, you can order one there as well. 


FN 3 – KDE Plasma 5.27.6 Out Now

So what, you may be asking… I can understand that attitude, but bear with me, this update is significant. It improves both the wayland and x11 sessions. For Wayland, it fixes a bug where after a screen has gone to sleep and wakes up, the mouse cursor looks weird in xwayland windows, and that fractional scaling would often produce visual glitches. For x11, drag & drop files to take manager task actions have been improved, krunner searches for short character strings have also been improved. System settings has better keyboard navigation (about time), now you can actually use the arrow keys to get around, rather than having to tab through the sidebar menu. They’ve also improved the magic lamp animation for minimizing windows so it works right with floating panels, hidden panels, and multi-screen setups. They’ve also lavished more love on flatpak support in the form of proper support within Discover so they actually show up when you search for them, the correct version also appears when you are trying to update a flatpak. This is a significant bump in quality of life, if you have adopted the flatpak way of life. A couple of other bugs got squashed in Discover as well in regard to the weird error messages about metadata URIs, as well as to make the Software Sources button appear properly in the settings window. The Login Screen in Settings now shows you error messages which occur in SDDM, fixed a KRunner crash, and updates the “add new page” dialog in the System Monitor app so that it handles non-English translations better. A significant bug caused by simply moving windows around was fixed. Many other things were fixed, as well, so if you want a full list, take a look at the article this section was based on or take a look at the changelog, here: 


FF 1 – Good Old Xonotic Got an Update

Xonotic is a Quake 3 –esque arena shooter based on the Nexuiz project. This update brings some fixes for the AI and performance, some new updates to vfx, and introduces a couple of new maps and a few new game modes:

Mayhem – Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch where players spawn with all weapons and full health / armour. Score is given 75% based on damage and 25% based on frags. (this sounds like a fun wrinkle)

Survival – A few randomly selected players must frag all survivors, without being identified. (hmmm… Sneak around and hunt everyone…)

Team Keepaway – A team variant of the free for all, where points are awarded to the team in possession of a ball for each kill. (get the ball, and pray your team is more efficient than the other one)

If you want to see the changelog: 



FF 2 – SDL 2.28 Released

SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) provides low level access to things like mice, keyboards, joysticks, audio hardware, and GPUs in an open source, cross platform manner. This is crucial for things like Linux gaming, and has been used by just about everyone in the gaming space at one time or another: Valve, Unity Engine, games & emulators, and others. Many bug fixes and other improvements will come with this version, most of which are above my paygrade, as I do not have any kind of grasp on low level programming languages. What you need to know is that a) this should make gaming better and b) this is the last major release in the SDL 2 series and they are now focused on big things for SDL 3. 



Freedom Overhaul

This is the full package. A whole-life exit from Big Tech. Migration from Windows or MacOS to Linux. Migration from iOS or stock Android to Graphene OS. Migration from Big Tech email and collaboration tools to ones which will honor your right to privacy. 


FF 3 – Ever Heard of DREAMM?

It is another emulator, but this one specializes in classic LucasArts games. They’ve released a new version which added a whole slew of new (old) games and initial Linux support, so you should be able to play your old Jedi Knight games (among others) on Linux better than you can with ScummVM. Sound like a good time? Need a 90s and aughts LucasArts nostalgia hit? Take a look here. 


Memesplanations – Who Are You? Week 3

This Week's Memesplanations

Memesplanation Short – Ephesians 3:5-6


Ephesians 3:5-6

There has never been a generation that has been given the detailed understanding of this glorious and divine mystery until now. He kept it a secret until this generation. God is revealing it only now to his sacred apostles and prophets by the Holy Spirit. Here’s the secret: The gospel of grace has made you, non-Jewish believers, into coheirs of his promise through your union with him. And you have now become members of his body—one with the Anointed One!

We have been made one with Jesus, so we get to partake in the covenants of Israel, which were fulfilled in Him. That is who you are: you are one with Jesus. Both one with Him and get to continue the journey of becoming more one with Him, sort of like in marriage.

Memesplanation Short – Ephesians 3:9-12


Ephesians 3:9-12

My passion is to enlighten every person to this divine mystery. It was hidden for ages past until now, and kept a secret in the heart of God, the Creator of all. The purpose of this was to unveil before every throne and rank of angelic orders in the heavenly realm God’s full and diverse wisdom revealed through the church. This perfectly wise plan was destined from eternal ages and fulfilled completely in our Lord Jesus Christ, so that now we have boldness through him, and free access as kings before the Father because of our complete confidence in Christ’s faithfulness.

We have full access to the Father through our union with Jesus. That is the fulfillment of the Father’s plan, fulfilled in Jesus. Because we are in Christ, we can approach the Father with boldness, as in His eyes, we are Jesus. That is a weird thing, because the Father still sees and knows each of us individually, yet because of the faith we were given, both in and of/from Christ, that is somehow the reality.

Memesplanation Short – Ephesians 3:20-21


Ephesians 3:20-21

Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you.
Now we offer up to God all the glorious praise that rises from every church in every generation through Jesus Christ—and all that will yet be manifest through time and eternity. Amen!

Because we are in Christ, we get to fully experience the fullness of the Love of God. That is what the power, here is working out in us, and why, as we become more fully one with Him, and our desires begin to shift toward being in alignment with His, then we will begin to receive super-abundantly more than we could ever ask or even dare to imagine. That is the key: emptying ourselves and asking to be filled and overfilled with Him.

Weekend Edition 40

Weekend Edition 40

Weekend Edition 40

FTC Goes After Amazon

AST Space 4G

AI News

Google Points Fingers at MSFT

Meta News

Twitter News



#weekendedition #FOSSNews #FTC #amazon #AI #cellsatellites #Google #Microsoft #Meta #Twitter #TechFreedom

Weekend Edition, FOSS News, Tech Freedom, AI, Big Tech


WE 1 – FTC Investigating Prime Dark Patterns

Now that Big Daddy Bezos/ Lex Luthor is out of the way, the FTC can slap Amazon around all they want. Have you ever tried to end your Amazon Prime subscription? It takes some doing, let me tell you. They have so many services bundled under the Prime brand, from shipping to music, to photos, to video, etc, that gets shown to users who try to end their subscriptions that it is difficult to navigate to actually get done what you meant to do. They strike me as desperate for Prime customers, when not only do they make it difficult to order anything without at least a “free trial” (I was sucked into this over 10 years ago), but then make it absolutely labyrinthine to actually end your subscription. This is wrong. This complaint alleges that there are engineers with a conscience, or at least who fear the color of law, who have tried to fix these issues, but either found their ideas slow-walked, ignored, or actively undone when efforts were made. Executives seem unwilling to move away from this manipulative model of doing business (perhaps because it is effective at making sure that people stay subscribed and hooked into their data-mining efforts) in spite of the fact that it is illegal. Perhaps they think that their legal team and lobby in DC can shield them from any real harm, here. I don’t know.

What do you guys think? 


WE 2 – AST BlueWalker 3 4G Satellite Tested

What is that? AST, a satellite communications firm has launched and tested their first 4G-capable solar-powered satellite. The BlueWalker 3 is a low-earth orbit satellite which is more or less a giant 4G cell tower in space. Back in April they tested voice capabilities via a trans-pacific phone call, from TX to Tokyo. This month, they tested data transfer speeds in rural Hawaii, and with off-the-shelf phones, were able to pull down 10 mb/s from the satellite. Sure, that isn’t earth-shattering speed, but it is far better in rural areas than what is currently available. These are improvements, to be sure, meant to cover about 300k sq mi per satellite. AST and AT&T are not to be the only names in the game, but are poised to be the first to offer it as a commercial service. There are others who are gunning to join the space-based mobile access game: Apple, SpaceX, and T-Mobile. How hot are these towers? They also say that they are planning to roll out 5G (which is cannot be the fastest mm-wave varieties, as the frequencies necessary to achieve that throughput couldn’t make it to earth from space anyway) soon, which really means mid-band 4G, but beam-formed and with multiple streams combined into one signal to boost throughput. In regard to mm-wave 5G, the current tech can’t even make it through a pane of glass, much less a brick wall, hell, too much moisture in the air can attenuate the signal to the point where it is pointless. Too many unanswered questions about WiFi technology and the effect of these frequencies on living tissue. On one hand, this is kind of cool, and if we could get the latency down and the throughput significantly higher (see Starlink), this could get all of those unsightly towers off of the ground, perhaps. 


WE 3 – AI News

3a – AI Battle Royale

UC Berkeley (UCB) founded the Large Model Systems Organization (LMSYS Org) to find out which of the LLMs is best currently. This research group is comprised of 10 Data science professors and students from UCB and UCSD (UC San Diego), as well as CMU (Carnegie Mellon University). This group has set up a blind testing arena where user prompts get sent to two of the models at once, so that the results show up side by side, and the user evaluates them. Unsurprisingly, the most advanced of the LLMs, GPT4, is the winner, but not by as much as you might think. There is an accessibility (aside from a raft of other things) issue, in that it is locked behind a $20/mo pay wall, where the others are freely available. They use the Elo rating system, which if you are a chess nerd, you’ll be familiar with. It is the comparative rating system used to rank players in chess and other similar games. Basically, it is a self-correcting rating system which will eventually produce accurate scores for the members of the dataset, whether chess players or, in this case, AI large language models. It is only 30 points ahead of Claude, which is waitlisted and has been developed by Anthropic.

I do not trust generative AI, but am not afraid of it, unlike many seem to be, including one of the professors overseeing this research group. His (Dr. Zhang’s) two issues are actually similar to mine, though: 1) he is concerned for data privacy and 2) incentives for human content creators to actually produce higher-quality content. I have been screaming about privacy in this regard since chatGPT burst onto the scene 8-9 months ago now. Not only can these tools access anything that is publicly available online, but you are giving it YOUR information whenever you use one, which it then incorporates into its own training algorithms. His second problem is one that I don’t know that I’ve thought about, but makes sense to me: if AIs can create admixtures of content which closely mimic human content, but said content is based on garbage articles and blog posts, then why should humans strive to produce anything better? Where’s the incentive to push oneself to make something truly good if some AI can mass-produce fluff pieces at will and bring the whole enterprise down several pegs while it is at it? 


WE 3b – Thinking Like a Pirate? Don’t.

Apparently some enterprising individuals have taken to asking chatbots for Windows license serial numbers to activate Windows on their machines. Sometimes it works, but more often than not, it doesn’t. This article more or less advises you not to bother, and I would add that if you want a free OS, just make the switch to Linux. Most of your games and apps will probably work just fine, anyway (barring the Adobe Suite, MS Office, and a handful of popular games). Avoid the problem and the spying altogether by making the switch. Yes, it does have a learning curve, but I think you’ll find that it isn’t as steep as in years gone by. So why does the article say not to try the chatbot route to get a free activation code for Windoesn’t?

  1. It is not guaranteed to work, as apparently GPT 3.5 or 4 simply pulls generic installation codes (which MS so generously provides for free, so that you can test their OS, but not activate it to get full functionality). Even if it all works at first, the install works, and your system even activates, these free codes have been proven in the past to be phased out randomly, anyway.
  2. It is illegal. This is piracy, people. As much as I hate MS, I can’t encourage you to break the law.

As I was saying, though, unless you are tied down to one of these proprietary app suites or games, why stick with Windoesn’t, anyway, when they are only getting more and more invasive to your privacy as each new version is released? Why take the chance of being left out in the cold by a bad, or fraudulent code? Why risk fines or imprisonment for software piracy? Don’t do it. It isn’t worth it. 


We 4 – Google Whines About Microsoft Azure

Amid years of legal battles with regulators in the US, Europe, and India, Google has taken the opportunity provided by a general request from the FTC regarding anti-competitive practices from Microsoft’s corner of the Cloud space. So, like a problem child who sees an opportunity to point the finger and deflect blame from themselves onto another sibling (though MS has been historically far from being a golden child [remember the anti-trust cases of the 90’s and 00’s?]) who is not currently in as much trouble, Google takes advantage and fires off this series of allegations which have also been leveled against Google’s cloud division itself, repeatedly, over the last several years. I’ve talked about some of the fines which the giant has faced from different countries over their own practices, and how they make it very hard for you to leave their services once you start using them, whether through license agreements, proprietary software stacks or implementations. We know that Azure is very similar, as is AWS. ALL of the big boys pull these stunts to lock clients into their respective ecosystems. That needs to change. 10 years ago. Not today, not tomorrow, 10 years ago, at the beginning of the cloud revolution. These monsters need to be slain and dismembered so that a freer, more private internet can grow in their place. Let me give you a little advice: if you have an app or some other sort of web-based service, don’t use AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud to handle the infrastructure. Easier said than done, as with any economy of scale situation, the smaller competitors often cannot keep up with prices or offerings in comparison with MS, Oracle (whom Google also singled out in its letter), AWS, or Google Cloud. However, most of the smaller outfits out there also tend to be more committed to fair competition, even if it hurts their bottom line. One such small provider is Altha Tech, out of Mt. Airy, NC. The owner, Jared Heath, is all in on FOSS wherever practical, and will never lock you in to exclusive or proprietary agreements. 


WE 5 – Mainstream Social Media News

WE 5a – Meta Allows too Much Free Speech

Remember the Brazilian Election situation? The one where Lula (the overt communist) seems to have Biden’d the far more popular nationalist Jair Bolsonaro? Well there was a video calling for “insurrectionist action” back in January which Meta decided to leave “up” rather than censoring it, as it did with many similar posts in late 2020- early 2021 in regard to Resident Depends and Kneepad Harris “beating” President Trump in the 2020 US election from Depends’ basement. The article’s writer shows herself to be a good wokist drone by whining about how Facebook was a “home for right-wing conspiracy theorists and organizers” during the weeks between November 4 and January 6, allowing more than 650,000 posts questioning or organizing against the results of that (s)election. Lo and behold, I looked up a bio for the writer, and she writes for the NYT, WaPo, and other propaganda rags as well as writing about tech on Engadget. Impressive resume. No independent thought though. 


WE 5b – Meta Plans Twitter Competitor to Integrate Tightly With Instagram

Elon is big mad about this. This new competitor will have an SSO with Instagram and be interoperable with mastodon and other ActivityPub decentralized platforms. This development process was commenced in January, and sounds like it will be ready by the end of the summer. This has triggered a public spat between Zuck and Musk which even has resulted in Musk suggesting that they should have a physical “cage match” in Las Vegas. That is hilarious. Two nerds trying to fight in some sort of MMA style. Probably even more awkward than the time when Linus Sebastian from LTT had a fight with one of his workers last year. Anyway… Such a stupid stunt, if it happens. At any rate, that is more or less the end of that story for now. We’ll see if anything more develops, here. Lol. 


WE 5c – Twitter to Start Paying Google Again…

Well, well, well… Until Yaccarino came on board, there was probably going to be an even bigger mess internally at the dirty, blue bird. Most of their in0house tools were and have been hosted on the Google cloud infrastructure since 2018. This arrangement costs Twitter $200-300 million per year. Musk had been trying to cut costs, saw that, and said, we can do it ourselves, or something like that, and had refused to pay the bill since he bought the company last November. Yaccarino came in and is reworking the deal in a much broader partnership… Hmm, including Google ads on Twitter, among other things, including Google having the right to use the paid Twitter API. Google claims that it “struggled to get ahold of” Musk to talk about the back bills, etc, but now it would seem that all is hunky dory in big tech land again. Not much to say here, other than that Yaccarino does seem to be very good for Twitter in a business sense. 


WE 5d – Will Elon Continue to Blow Up the Dirty Blue Bird?

Was this a Glass Cliff Hire with Yaccarino? Only time will tell. Elon will be Elon. He seems a bigger troll than Obi Wan and Dooku put together… Almost as big of a troll as DJT. Will this become another situation like Carly Fiorina at HP 10 years ago? Will Elon actually let her make his toy make business sense again, or will this Australian threat about hate speech on the platform become indicative of the death of the dirty blue bird? Only time will tell. What is a glass cliff hire? It is a situation when a company is in a bad place, then hires a female/+ minority to right the ship, so to speak, to take pressure off of the rest of the C-suite executives and board members who were actually the problem. As I said a few times already, the truth will take time to be shown, here. I don’t trust Elon, and certainly don’t trust this new WEF lackey CEO. Then again, it doesn’t matter much, as I never used the platform. I see that it has been a haven for the worst kinds of corruption, from pedophilia and other forms of exploitation to more general human trafficking and other dark things which were only exacerbated by the ways in which censorship has been wielded on the platform. I’d almost rather see it burn to the ground to be replaced by something more free and open. The problem with that is that that is probably too idealistic of me to expect or hope for, particularly without a massive change within humanity and the user base of social media in general, first. 


What can we say? This last few weeks have been eventful, haven’t they? You understand what cloud computing is, right? Cloud computing = keeping and manipulating your data on someone else’s hardware. That is inherently lacking privacy, and can keep you in a bad deal if you sign up with one of the big guys (GOOG, MSFT, AMZN, or ORCL) to host and manage something like the backend for an app you are developing. They all do it. Google has caught more flack than the rest lately, though Amazon has gotten some regulatory tough love for it over in the UK as well, as has Azure. These giants see your data as a commodity, guys. I’ve said it many times, but it has come out again recently that MS snoops on your files in OneDrive and SharePoint by scraping your passwords from your MS account. Why are you still in that abusive relationship? Why allow yourself to continue being gas lit by these monsters? Learn to take control and regain your privacy piece by piece with Tech Freedom.

Back to the space-based cell phone service thing, though, I have to wonder what the amplitude of the waves has to be in order for the signal to travel over 300 miles. Those have to be some very powerful transmitters, since a typical cell tower can only reach a MAXIMUM of 75 miles, but most of the time can only reach UP TO 25 miles. Most are far closer together than that, though: 1-3 miles apart, and if you’re somewhere like downtown LA or NYC, that is more like .25- 1 mile effective range before it hands off the signal to a new tower. I also wonder about the latency of the data, or how much extra lag that would necessarily introduce to the equation. Cool, but too many unanswered questions in my mind.

I have to laugh at the comments made about there being “too much” free speech on Facebook/Meta in that piece on Engadget. It was well-written, but a junk premise. Will Elon and Mark duke it out in the octagon over Project 92? I doubt it, but all of this nonsense got us talking about the new product, didn’t it?

Does Yaccarino make business sense for Twitter? She seems to be making some good commonsense moves right now, but I trust her less than I trust Elon, so take that for what it is worth. Was she hired to actually right the ship, so to speak, or just to deflect from the owner’s antics and stunts? Only time will tell.

FOSS News – Big Show 5

FOSS News Big Show 5

FOSS News 5 – Big Show 

Distro News

Ubuntu PSA

Debian Bookworm Released

Ultramarine Linux

Freedom Consultation

openSUSE 15.543,254




postmarketOS 23.06

OnlyOffice 7.4 Out


Linux Founder Opinionated (not really news)



Big Steam Client Updates

AMD Moving Toward FOSS

Freed Computer/ Free Your PC

Better Wayland Support for NVIDIA


#FOSSNews #Linuxnews #Linux #Distros #releaseenws #torvalds #libertarian #steam #AMD #NVIDIA #TechFreedom

FOSS News, Linux, FOOS releases, Torvalds a “wokist”, talk, FOSS Fun, Tech Freedom


DN 1: Ubuntu Update PSA

Kinetic Kudu support ending July 20. Upgrade your systems now to Lunar Lobster, if you want to continue receiving security updates. That is all. 


DN 2: Debian Bookworm Out Now

Lots of big things in this major update, which will be supported until December of 2028. The biggest of which is that they are adding new non-free repositories to the default mix: non-free-firmware is the newest and most important of these, as it contains things like NVIDIA and Broadcom drivers which many of us need in order to easily get our systems running properly. It will ship with the latest LTS kernel (but you can always choose to install a different, newer kernel if you need to), APFS support (huge), ntfs2btrfs (to easily convert NTFS drives to BTRFS), a new malloc implementation developed by Microsoft (yikes)(malloc stands for Memory Allocation), and many other things, such as: secure boot functionality on ARM with UEFI support, a new shiny-server package to simplify scientific web apps using the R language, and an update to GCC 12.2. They have also created all-new artwork, called Emerald. Aside from that, they have over 64,400 packages in the Debian repos, nearly 11,100 new packages were added, about 43,250 were updated, and close to 6,300 were removed. That is a crazy string of stats, but that is what you get with Debian, as it is the daddy of the 800 lb gorilla, Ubuntu, and the granddaddy of distros like Pop!OS and Mint. It is the most commonly used server distro as well. Beware if you are dual-boot kind of person, as they have deprecated os-prober to check for other OSes present on a system. You will need to use dpkg-reconfigure in order to tell GRUB that you have another OS on the system after you get set up with Bookworm.

It is available as live images with KDE Plasma 5.27 LTS, GNOME 43, Xfce 4.18, Cinnamon 5.6, MATE 1.26, LXDE 11, and LXQt 1.2.0 (but these are only available for 64-bit systems).

Debian is not sexy, but it generally just works and is simply stable, perfect for production environments and servers. You can download it here: 


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DN 3: Ultramarine Linux

What is that? It is Fedora with some tweaks: the Pop!OS system scheduler (however this is only fully implemented in the GNOME flavor). It comes in KDE, GNOME, Budgie, and Pantheon flavors, by the way. Its primary version is Budgie, though. You might like Budgie, but it’s not my cuppa tea. This one is vaguely interesting to me because it is a slight Frankenstein’s monster of Linux distros; with elements from Fedora (most of the core), Pop!OS (system scheduler), and even Solus (its flagship desktop). If you want to check it out, you can do so by downloading it from their site: 


DN 4: openSUSE Leap 15.5

This is the point-release version of openSUSE Tumbleweed, and is a bit of an odd duck, really. It is apparently a favorite of system admins and developers, but I fail to see why with the way it seems cobbled together in a more odd way than most distributions are. Connor used Tumbleweed for about a month or so, and enjoyed it, but then got majorly turned off when he noticed the way systemd worked in that distro. So here are some of the highlights: KDE 5.27, added default repositories for OpenH264 video codecs, VIM 9.0, Fully functional Python 3.11 stack, in parallel to the system Python (python36), Improvements to the Kate text editor, Fixes for crashes on Kdenlive, Qt 5.15 LTS netavark 1.5.0, Flatpak 1.14.4, fwupd 1.8.6, Ugrep 3.11.0, Network Manager 1.38.6, Mozilla Firefox 102.9.0, and Thunderbird 102.8.0. 

You can peruse the release notes here: 

Or download the latest here: 

Or read the article this piece is based on here: 


FN 1: A Glance at Linux Mobile

In the last couple of weeks, we have seen both a new Mobian and a new postmarketOS release, both of which look to be excellent. Each one target different aspects, and approach the problems in keeping with their respective root distros: Debian and Alpine, respectively. Mobian released a new stable version based on Bookworm, just as it was released for the rest of us. It seems to promise more package stability than a slightly more rolling style release like Alpine. Bookworm sounds like an excellent base for Mobian, as the developers feel that it is the first one that is really mobile-friendly. That is something, y’all. Mobian sounds like a very sensible option, but as with Debian, if something just doesn’t work in that release, you’re kinda stuck until the next major update. On the other hand, if it just works for you, and that is what you need, then Mobian may be a good option for you. Take a look at Mobian here: 

PostmarketOS, with its Alpine base, is systemd-free, and has a stable release roughly biennially along with Alpine. It is tiny on its own, and supports most if not all of the major, functional mobile DE options: Phosh, Plasma Mobile, GNOME Mobile Shell 44, and Sxmo. I am pretty excited about GNOME Mobile, if I’m honest. I don’t think that KDE is suited well for touch screens, as much as it pains me to admit. Glance at postmarketOS here: 

Capyloon (FirefoxOS descendant), PureOS, and the Manjaro Mobile flavors have all each had releases as well. PureOS is based on Bookworm, but has some special sauce baked in for the Librem 5 to work as well as it does. Take a look here: 

Manjaro Mobile is still in beta for both the Plasma and Phosh flavorings. Check out the Phosh one here: and the Plasma flavor here: 

Capyloon is built on top of Mobian, but functions a bit like ChromeOS, only with a Firefox base. This release introduces a feature called Web Tiles to replace classical web apps, and here are the highlights about them:

  • Immutable: a Tile is a bundle of resources identified using content addressing. Our current implementation uses a tile:// protocol which is similar to the ipfs:// one.
  • Safe by default: a tile can’t fetch foreign content. This is enforced by a default CSP applied to all tile:// url loads.
  • Powerful: because they can’t leak data to external parties, tiles can be granted access to what are usually considered “dangerous” APIs.
  • Installable and usable offline: being content addressed and local-only, tiles are naturally suited for offline use.
  • Composable: being installed, tiles can register Web Activities like other installed Capyloon apps. This make them ideal candidates to bridge the Http web with new capabilities.

Capyloon also now has prebuilt images for both the Pinephone Pro and the Librem 5. Check out Capyloon here: 


FN 2: OnlyOffice 7.4 Out Now

I use this office suite myself, these days. I find Libre Office a bit cludgy, but wish that OnlyOffice had more tweakability at the same time, though. The overall approaches seem to be analogous to GNOME vs KDE, where GNOME is functional, but you have to learn it more or less as-is (barring extensions and the like) [that is OnlyOffice], and KDE is functional but exposes all of the possible levers and knobs and can be a bit awkward sometimes because of it [Libre Office]. So what are some highlights with this update?

  • Drawing Support
  • Is what it sounds like, you get to draw in your documents now, if you have a touchscreen device
  • Save Docs/Sheets as Images
  • Save as either jpg or png, to make sharing docs easier via social media.
  • Plugins Upgrade
  • Unlimited windows… Not helpful to me, but perhaps to some
  • Spreadsheet Improvements
  • Various chart improvements, as well as editing protection built right in
  • Radar Charts
  • New type of chart, might be easier to use than some others, particularly for multivariate datasets
  • Combine Documents
  • Merge two document versions into one, with tracked changes being carried over which you can either accept or reject at will.
  • Save Objects as Pictures
  • Save charts and other objects as pictures with transparent backgrounds
  • And more 


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FN 3: Linus Torvalds Not a Conservative (duh)

Ok, so I know that many people who watch my content are conservatives, and it may shock you that the man behind the OS I champion is anything but conservative in his social and political stances. He railed against the NYT for having a poor web experience and requiring people to call in to cancel, then someone commented about woke communist ideologies, and Linus went OFF. He has always been very opinionated, and had this almost autistic bluntness about him. Let’s take a look at the exchange:

Well, Mr. Torvalds minces few words here, huh? Let’s face it, he has chosen to not work in the context of most of the software development world because he has a distaste for capitalism and the greed implied by it. He has done this for 30+ years. That sounds pretty communistic to me. He also sounds like a man who has a very loose morality, other than in that regard. He is a nerd without God, so why would he have issues with any of the moral failings he mentioned in his tirade, here? If there is no God, then abortion is and should be a matter of the woman’s choice, similar to LGBT+ demonizations. As for guns in America, I have to wonder who qualifies as “a moron with a pulse” in his book. All in all, this feels fairly anarchical, other than the need for a strong gov’t to handle the gun licensure issues he sees. Not the point of highlighting this exchange, though. I knew that Linus was not a conservative, and I don’t need him to be. As long as he stays all about freedom within reason, I will continue to use and encourage others to use the OS that he has created the kernel for for 32 years now. 


How to install GrapheneOS on a Pixel phone: 


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How to install GrapheneOS on a Pixel phone: 


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FF 1 – Steam Client Update for Linux

Lots of really good stuff here, though I hardly remember the Steam interface at this point… I never play games that need Steam these days. At least not until some major things change in our lives. Let’s talk highlights, shall we?

  • Refreshed UI Design
  • Enable client hardware acceleration
  • Caveats: not on NVIDIA GPUs, as it can cause x11 to crash
  • New Compatibility tab to make switching versions of Proton and WINE easier
  • Improved flatpak app support
  • Better KDE support
  • Uses global scaling factor to determine what the scaling should be for Steam
  • New game overview panel in the in-game overlay
  • And more

Sounds like good stuff for Linux gamers, here. 



FF 2 – NVIDIA Drivers: Now With Better Wayland Support

NVIDIA has released the 535.54.03 driver which should help your system do wayland better, thanks to the updated linux-dmabuf Wayland protocol. Also helps out those with AMD integrated GPUs (Ryzen laptops with NVIDIA GPUs in them) by fixing a bug in PRIME render offloading which essentially broke the feature. Also enables Extended Dynamic Boost support on AMD-powered laptops with older Renoir and Cezanne chipsets, suspend/resume support when using GSP firmware, as well as the ability to sync a Quadro Sync II graphics card to different House Sync signal rates. If you want a list of further changes, take a look at: 

Otherwise, take a look at:  

Sounds like we should be getting better Wayland support and a whole host of other bugs squashed in this updated driver release. All good.

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FF 3 – AMD Moving Toward Open Source with Open Arms

I think I mentioned this development when it was first announced a couple of months back. I am all for this. Intel needs to take notes. This is the future, boys & girls. AMD is committing further to migrating from AGESA (their proprietary firmware for their CPUs) to openSIL. They have now released their first proof of concept to GitHub for the community to pick through and improve. The goal at the moment, is to implement openSIL over AGESA sometime in 2026, so we are a few years out still. This process means that at the end of it, AMD should be more secure than Intel, as if they go full-open source, here, we won’t have any IME type nonsense in AMD chips anymore. That excites me. No more firmware backdoors… Doesn’t mean that there won’t still be silicon-level back doors, though. One step at a time, Matt. 






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