12 Steps to tech freedom

12 Steps to Tech Freedom: A Guide For You, Along the Way

12 Steps Explained


Step 1: Admit that you have a problem with Big Tech dependency.

Step 2: Learn that there is a way to break that dependence.

Step 3: Trust the Way.

Step 4: Come to understand the depth of your Big Tech dependency.

Step 5: Take inventory of how many of your digital rights you sacrificed on the altar of Big Tech convenience.

Step 6: Chose to be ready to regain those rights.

Step 7: Follow the way.

Step 8: Make a list of all of the accounts and services that need to be shut down & replaced with ones that will respect your rights.

Step 9: Backup all of that account data, then delete it (to the best of your ability) from their servers and either disable or delete those accounts.

Step 10: Research and open those new accounts.

Step 11: Ditch your iPhone/ standard Android and switch to a degoogled Android.

Step 12: Live free & help others through the process.


This is the way to tech freedom, all. I hope you embody it for yourself and others.