Tech Freedom

Who Are You? Week 4

Who Are You? Week 4


Thank you that you have knit us and are knitting us into one body, the body of Christ. Help us to remember this when we are tempted to shred another member of the Body. Help us to grow in maturity rather than dependence on our pastors and teachers. Help us to love you better, today.
In Jesus’ name,
Who are you? You are part of one body, and have one spirit, the Holy Spirit. That is who you are. Why do we not see this in most gatherings of believers? Why have we allowed incorrect emphases to dominate our minds and hearts and destroy t hat reality? We have a shared divine calling and a high rank, thus we need to live and operate differently than we have in the past. Wake up. We have slumbered, lulled to sleep by fluffy, happy motivational speeches disguised as sermons, many of us for years. This passage reminds me of a few others in Paul’s letters; in the Pastorals, we see him advising Timothy and others to put out those who are stuck on genealogies and other controversial things, in Galatians, he bashes the Galatian gatherings for adopting the ways of the judaizers. Where have we missed the memo? When did the Body of Christ become Bodies of Christ?
On Wednesday, we learned that the helpers in the Body, meant to raise it up to full maturity, fall into 5 primary groups: apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers, and pastors. It is not who you are, but these are things that many of us have been called to participate in and do. These offices are still very vital and active (not just the last 3). We are to experience the fullness of knowing Jesus, oneness in the faith of Christ, and fully spiritually mature people. I do not see that in many corners of the Body of Christ, I do not claim to have attained to this, yet, either. However, I want to get there, so cutting myself off from some of these offices, which are all meant to help me in that maturing process, does not make sense.
On Friday, we were reminded that we are holy. That is, called to act differently from the world around us. We do not walk in spiritual apathy because we know the Truth, and He has set us free. We have purer logic than the world, as it has been adjusted by being in Christ. Our consciences are actually functional to help us be different. That is who we are, we are a holy people. We are each holy as individuals as well. This holiness is meant to be a relational, love-based response to the love of God. Think about how you find yourself responding to people who genuinely love you vs those who just put up with you for the most part. Do you find yourself wanting to be with, much less focus effort on pleasing people who just put up with you? What about those who really love you? You want to do what you can to encourage those people to stick around, don’t you? That is the foundation of holiness which is in view here, not simply following rules just to follow rules. If you really look at the Old Testament, though, that is the core of it there, as well, just most people couldn’t see that, so it became rote repetition of Torah in order to be blessed by YHWH, because like so many now, the people of Israel could not see through to the reality that God would or could even want to have a relationship with them.
So, what did we learn about ourselves from Ephesians 4 this week? There is one Body of Christ, and if we are in Him, we are it. Maturity comes through the faithful operation of the 5-fold ministry: apostle, prophet, evangelist, teacher, and pastor. These 5 roles will stay with the Body until all members are fully mature in the Lord, and as far as I can tell, we are nowhere near that place. I certainly am not. We are holy because God says we are, and we are called to grow into a holiness that is based on love, not obligation or rule-keeping, just for the sake of keeping rules.

Who Are You? Week 3

This Week's Devotion

Who Are You? Week 3


Thank you that we get to come boldly to you for whatever we need. Thank you that Jesus is obedient so we can have Him to believe in and see that change and get that access. Thank you that we do not have to always be worried about ourselves, but that we can step back because we know that You have it all under control on our behalf. Jesus, thank you that you paved the way for us, you led by example and opened yourself that we could be in you, enabling us to receive all of these blessings. In your name,
On Monday, we looked at Ephesianas 3:5-6. If you are in Christ, then you are one with Him. You have been united with Him. He has fulfilled all we never could from the old covenants, He showed us how to live perfectly in constant communion with the Father and the Holy Spirit. He paved the way so that we can live in blessings that we do not deserve. That is who you are according to this passage.
Not only that, but on Wednesday we were reminded about how we have full access to the Father through our union with Jesus. That is the fulfillment of the Father’s plan, that through our union with Jesus,who is God, we would become one with Godself in some way. If that sounds weird, it is, but it is entirely scriptural. The reality is that because we are in Christ, we can approach the Father with boldness, as in His eyes, we are Jesus. That is a weird thing, because the Father still sees and knows each of us individually, yet because of the faith we were given, both in and of/from Christ, that is somehow the reality which is ours, here and now. Think about your ideal dad, your “ultimate dad”, then ratchet that up many times over and you’ll get a taste for how good Father God is. He has the means to literally give you anything in the world. He also knows you better than any dad could, He created you. He is the source of wisdom, so He will never give you something that is so far beyond your capacity that it would destroy you. Remember, there is a profound difference between your earthly and your heavenly father.
Finally, on Friday, we learned that because we are in Christ, we get to fully experience the fullness of the Love of God. That is what the power, here, is working out in us, and why, as we become more fully one with Him, and our desires begin to shift toward being in alignment with His, then we will begin to receive super-abundantly more than we could ever ask or even dare to imagine. That is the key: emptying ourselves and asking to be filled and overfilled with Him.
So what did we learn about our identities in Christ this week? 1 In Christ, we get the fullness of the blessings promised in the old covenants, because He fulfilled them for us. 2 we can come to the Father boldly as beloved sons and daughters, not fearing punishment for asking to much or too often, but we do need to die to ourselves that we would have the bandwidth to understand and desire what He desires for us. That is where we can begin to expect more than we could possibly imagine, hope, or dream of.

Who Are You? Week 2

Who Are You? Week 2


We ask that you would send the Holy Spirit to make these passages come alive for us today as we review the last week’s memesplanations from Ephesians 2. Help us to learn Who we are In Jesus from these brief words. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


On Monday we were reminded that we are alive in Jesus, not dead to God any more, we are no longer subject to the powers of this world, but to our loving Lord. Sin no longer has power over us, we are not bound to any pattern of pride which would keep us trapped doing the same old nonsense, but expecting different results. We are now able to choose love over pride, humility over fear. This was a thought loosely based on Ephesians 2:1-3.

On Wednesday, we gentiles were shown how we are now heirs of all of the promises given to Abraham in Genesis. In Jesus, we are new. We have been remade, old covenant circumcision is no thing, as when we are living in submission to the Holy Spirit, He removes the callous from our hearts every day. We are united with Christ, and that is why this is all available to us. So we are new because we have been united with Christ Jesus, that is who we are. This was a thought from Ephesians 2:12-13.

On Friday, we finished our sprint through Ephesians 2, with a look at Ephesians 2:19-20. Who are you? You are God’s beloved child. You are children of heaven, adopted as though you were natural born offspring. You get all the benefits, inheritance, close relationship, and access to the Father whenever you need it. The whole nine yards. Not only that, but you are the living stones which make up God’s temple, set upon the foundation of those who have come before you in the faith, and directly connected to Jesus, the cornerstone.

So, based on these passages from Ephesians 2, who are you? You are alive in Jesus, free from slavery to sin, which is ultimately pride. You are able to make good choices. You are an heir of all the Father has, at the same level of rights as Jesus. You have been remade. You are united with Jesus. You are God’s beloved child. You get to raid the fridge whenever you feel like it. You get to sit on the Father’s lap whenever you want to. You are a living stone, built upon the foundation of those who have gone before you in the faith of Jesus, and you are connected to Him. That is allot. Let that sink in. Let His liquid love pour into and all over you. Pick one of these things that are a part of your reality in Jesus and meditate on that today.

Who Are You? Week 1

Who Are You? Week 1


As we look at these prayers and thoughts from Paul that he shared with the believers in the region around Ephesus, I ask that you would enlighten and illuminate the eyes of our hearts to see the truth of who we are in Jesus. Jesus, come and help these things to sink in. Holy Spirit, come and do the work in us that the scales would fall away from the eyes of our hearts so that the light of the truth can come flooding in.



On Monday, we opened this new series on Ephesians with a quick look at the greetings in the first few verses of the letter. I introduced the series and gave an idea of what the format would be. Who are you? You are wrapped up in Christ and because of that, you have every spiritual gift from the Father. We were chosen from before there was a universe to receive these things. Wrap your head around that statement. I bet you can’t.

On Wednesday, we looked at a famous chunk of one of Paul’s prayers for the Ephesians. Vs 18-20. Allow your eyes to be opened to the reality of what you have and who you are in Christ, today. Sure, circumstances may look grim in the natural, but you’ve probably made it through worse. Open the eyes of your heart, allow the Holy Spirit to brush the scales off of your spiritual eyes that you might truly see who you are in Christ. You are wealthy. You are powerful. You have authority because it flows from the Head, that is, Christ Jesus. Once you begin to grasp this, your whole life will shift, and you will become like a walking billboard for the power of God working in and through your life.

On Friday, we looked at how Jesus is the source and the leader of all we need, and we are His body, filling the world, just as He rules over it after He overcame it through His life, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension. He was constantly connected with the Father, doing just what He saw the Father doing and saying what He saw the Father saying in every possible moment. If He is the head, and we are the body, then His honor, his glory, and His power are ours. Let that sink  in. All we need to learn to do is operate in relation to that truth. We mist submit to His will and His way. We must empty ourselves of ourselves and simply get out of the way. He was always in that place of authority, but His faithfulness to the Father’s plan cemented that place for Him for eternity and for us who are in Him, as well. As we empty ourselves, take up our crosses daily and follow Him, submitting to Him in each moment, then the authority and power that He has become ours. Thank you, Jesus!

In Christ Week 5

Memesplanation Short - May 15, 2023

Galatians 3:26-8
You have all become true children of God by faith in Jesus Christ! Faith immersed you into Christ, and now you are covered and clothed with his life. And we no longer see each other in our former state—Jew or non-Jew, rich or poor, male or female—because we’re all one through our union with Jesus Christ.
In Christ, the old hatreds and divisions are meaningless. We are one In Him. That is why we can operate (in our best moments) as a single unit who hurts when one member hurts, rejoices when one member succeeds in life, and the like. How often do we do that, even within individual congregations, though, much less across national and regional boundaries? This was part of what made the Ekklesia so powerfully counter-cultural early on.
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Memesplanation Short - May 17, 2023

Romans 8:1-3
So now the case is closed. There remains no accusing voice of condemnation against those who are joined in life-union with Jesus, the Anointed One. For the “law” of the Spirit of life flowing through the anointing of Jesus has liberated us from the “law” of sin and death. For God achieved what the law was unable to accomplish, because the law was limited by the weakness of human nature.
In Christ, we no longer stand condemned by our sin. Condemnation only finds its mark in those who have not been forgiven and clothed in Christ. I can see, from verses like this, where the academic theologians of 1000 years ago could get the idea that God needed to somehow trick Himself, but that is not the whole story. We become clothed in Christ, then we have the opportunity to become like then become united with Him. That is the core of what it is to be in Christ. What do you guys think about this?
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Memesplanation Short – May 19, 2023

Galatians 2:20
My old identity has been co-crucified with Christ and no longer lives. And now the essence of this new life is no longer mine, for the Anointed One lives his life through me—we live in union as one! My new life is empowered by the faith of the Son of God who loves me so much that he gave himself for me, dispensing his life into mine!
SO GOOD! Whatever you were before you submitted to the Lord, you are no longer defined by. Whether that be something as relatively innocuous as smoking, or something as destructive as choosing to mutilate your body to match a lie you believed about yourself. None of that matters, in Christ. That old identity, that old person with its foibles and bondage to sin through pride is dead. You are new, in Christ. That is the gospel, and why Paul could say in Monday’s passage that in Christ, there is now no longer Jew + Gentile, Slave + free, Male + Female, but we are all united and reconciled in Him.
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In Christ: Week 5

As we wrap up this series, I ask that you would sear the truths that we’ve learned or been reminded of into our hearts and minds. Holy Spirit, help us to apply these truths well. Jesus, come and be with us and help us to experience the truth of these passages.
This series could go on and on, but I sense that it is time to move on. This last week, we looked at a couple of passages from Galatians and one from Romans. The Galatians 3 passage that we looked at on Monday blows up ethnic hatred and all other demonically-inspired human divisions which keep us weak and isolated from one another. If we are in Christ, then those things no longer matter at all. We can simply be human, and no longer be concerned with the extra stuff that we have been told matters (tribes, gender, economics, etc). Let God love you through others, and love others through you, no matter how they look or act, because real love will blow up all of the stuff that creates anger and bitterness which spurs people to act out and isolate themselves. It isn’t about homogeneity, it is about taking the tiles which until now had been more or less sequestered with like tiles, and creating a mosaic with all the varied tiles. What new picture can be discerned from this mosaic?
The Romans 8 passage we saw on Wednesday reveals that when one is in Christ, the condemnation of the accuser (Satan, the devil) can find nowhere to stick on you. There is no solid accusation that can be lodged against Jesus, therefore, if we are in Him, then none of our own sin has staying power. Sometimes we need to be reminded of this basic truth, though, don’t we? We may experience conviction, but that is the Love of God reaching us when we do things that hurt ourselves, others, or His heart, not condemnation. Let the Lord use your conscience to guide you toward better choices, do not think conflate condemnation with conviction. Conviction always comes with love and hope, where condemnation leaves you feeling weak and hopeless.
The Galatians 2 passage we went over on Friday directly addresses the hot-button issue of the day: identity. As a believer, your identity is in Christ. In other words, you become Him. Don’t get me weird, here, that means that all the other behaviors, preferences, and predilections no longer mean what they used to. You are free from those patterns, now. In Christ, you are free. His identity becomes yours, thus when we say that we are Christians or followers of Jesus, those old things pass away. Hyphenated Christianity doesn’t work. You can’t be a gay christian or a christian murderer or a christian drug addict, or any other thing like that. Does that mean that those old patterns will automatically disappear? Not necessarily, it may be a longtime fight, but we are no longer to IDENTIFY with those patterns. We are in Christ, which means that our identity is that we are beloved sons and daughters of the King. No less. No more. That is more than enough, if you ask me. That is the core reality which enabled Paul to make the claims he did about a chapter later, that we are no longer divided by tribe, gender, or economics in the Kingdom of God.

Here we are at the end of another 5 week series, everybody. I think I may tackle a study on Ephesians next, a high level survey of one chapter per week, coupled with some choice passages in the memesplanations during the week.

In Christ Week 4

Memesplanation Short: May 8, 2023

Ephesians 1:7-10
Since we are now joined to Christ, we have been given the treasures of redemption by his blood—the total cancellation  of our sins—all because of the cascading riches  of his grace. This superabundant grace is already powerfully working in us,  releasing all forms of wisdom and practical understanding. And through the revelation of the Anointed One, he unveiled his secret desires to us—the hidden mystery of his long-range plan, which he was delighted to implement from the very beginning of time. And because of God’s unfailing purpose, this detailed plan will reign supreme through every period of time until the fulfillment of all the ages finally reaches its climax—when God makes all things new  in all of heaven and earth through Jesus Christ.
If the grace we have in Jesus is superabundant, and we have the full treasures of our redemption by His blood, and by faith we are In Him, then what does it mean to be In Christ, here? Let’s meditate and pray about that today, and let me know in the comments what you come up with.

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Memesplanation Short: May 10, 2023

Ephesians 1:11-14 (TPT)
Through our union with Christ we too have been claimed by God as his own inheritance. Before we were even born, he gave us our destiny; that we would fulfill the plan of God who always accomplishes every purpose and plan in his heart. God’s purpose was that we Jews, who were the first to long for the messianic hope, would be the first to believe in the Anointed One and bring great praise and glory to God! And because of him, when you who are not Jews heard the revelation of truth, you believed in the wonderful news of salvation. Now we have been stamped with the seal of the promised Holy Spirit. He is given to us like an engagement ring, as the first installment of what’s coming! He is our hope-promise of a future inheritance which seals us until we have all of redemption’s promises and experience complete freedom—all for the supreme glory and honor of God!
We are Jesus’ inheritance! Let that sink in today. We are united with Him, and we are why He chose to come and give Himself up. The presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives is the proof that we are being made one with Him, that is our engagement ring, perfect union with Christ is the wedding at the end. That is why heaven has been preparing a feast in our honor at least since the ascension of Jesus. We get to grow into greater and greater union with Him, even here on earth, if we choose to do so.
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Memesplanation Short: May 12, 2023

Ephesians 2: 7-10
Throughout the coming ages we will be the visible display of the infinite riches of his grace and kindness, which was showered upon us in Jesus Christ. For by grace you have been saved by faith. Nothing you did could ever earn this salvation, for it was the love gift from God that brought us to Christ! So no one will ever be able to boast, for salvation is never a reward for good works or human striving. We have become his poetry, a re-created people that will fulfill the destiny he has given each of us, for we are joined to Jesus, the Anointed One. Even before we were born, God planned in advance our destiny and the good works we would do to fulfill it!
We get showered in God’s infinite riches through all eternity because we are in Christ. We, because we are in Christ, get to fulfill the destiny that God set for us from before there was time. We get to join in and partner with Jesus and the Father to bring about the Kingdom of God here on earth. We get to walk out all the good works that Papa set up for us, because we are in Jesus. Let that truth sink in, today. What impact does this have on you? Let me know in the comments.

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In Christ: Week 4

As we continue this series on what it means to be in Christ, guide us to truth with the help of the Holy Spirit. Jesus, come and be made manifest to us, that we might see you in one another and in more real ways, in the midst of our own lives. Jesus, be made more real as we learn what it is to be in you. Holy Spirit, come and seal the work as it is done that not one shred could be taken from us.

This week we looked at a few passages from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, chapter 1:7-14 and 2:7-10. From the section we looked at in chapter 1, we learned that since we are in Christ, we get the superabundant grace of God poured on us, that not only are we saved, but we get revelation, wisdom, and practical understanding of how to live better. Not only that, but we also become God’s inheritance in Christ. We get to become one with Him, and He gets to become one with us. Wow. Read that last sentence again. Not only do we get the benefits of becoming one with Him, but God sees it as a net benefit to welcome as many of the pieces of Himself that he put into the world in us as possible, back into Himself. That means you, that means me. We each have a piece of God in us, in the form of the image of God, however we are supposed to understand that reality. Why does it feel like coming home when we finally submit to Him? Why does it feel like home when we spend time in His presence? Could it be that the image of God in us yearns to find completion in Him in those moments, and in those moments, we are most complete? I believe that that is the case. So, in light of that, we are most complete when we are in Christ. One way that that gets played out is that we don’t fully realize our potential until we surrender to Him. That is seen more clearly in the famous passage from chapter 2 which we looked at on Friday.
Ephesians 2:7-10 is a famous and powerful passage about the nature of salvation, but not only a picture of salvation from something but unto good works, lined up for us to complete from before time existed. I can’t look at verse 10 without hearing Keith Green’s classic “If You Love the Lord” in my head. But I digress. The gift is Jesus’ faithfulness toward the Father on our behalf. That is what saves us. It is nothing we do, though it is incumbent on us to respond and submit to His will for us. That is our part. It is not about works or no works, it is about living in the faith of Christ. That preposition makes all the difference, doesn’t it. His faith for us toward the Father makes it possible for us to be one with Him and to do the amazing works that He designed for us and designed us for doing. Let that reality sink in. Let His faith fill you, empowering you to live out His will for you, enabling you to partner with Him to accomplish His designs in His world. After all, you are one with Him in Christ. That is heavy and may blow your mind. Let it. This is the intended nature of life, walking stride for stride with God to bring about the renewal of all things.

In Christ Week 3

Memesplanation Short: May 1, 2023

Let joy be your continual feast.  Make your life a prayer. And in the midst of everything be always giving thanks, for this is God’s perfect plan for you in Christ Jesus. 
1 Thessalonians 5:16-8
Because we are in Christ, we can feast on joy continually. We can make our lives into prayer, because we can give thanks for all things, always. It is so easy to get sucked down into garbage thinking and attitudes because the natural is starting to look like an extension of hell, more and more each day. Focus on the fact that you are breathing, your heart is beating, and you are, if you are able to watch this, more than likely richer than about 90% of the human race right now. Sure it all looks iffy right now, but don’t focus on that. Focus on what you can do something about and what God gives you in each moment.

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Memesplanation Short: May 3, 2023

In the human body there are many parts and organs, each with a unique function. And so it is in the body of Christ. For though we are many, we’ve all been mingled into one body in Christ. This means that we are all vitally joined to one another, with each contributing to the others.
Romans 12:4-6
In Christ, we are one body. He is our head, but we are His body. We embody (or should embody) Him, His reign, His life, on earth. We each have select functions in the Body, and need to remember that every pain point or point of joy which affects one part of the body affects the rest of us as well. Just as when your feet hurt or you are hungry, your brain struggles to function at its peak performance. The same principle holds true for those of us who are in the Body of Christ.
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Memesplanation Short: May 5, 2023

I am always thankful to my God as I remember you in my prayers because I’m hearing reports about your faith in the Lord Jesus and how much love you have for all his holy followers. I pray for you that the faith we share  may effectively deepen your understanding of every good thing that belongs to you in Christ.
Philemon 1:4-6
This series is about unpacking some of these good things which belong to us In Christ. Stay in a place of thanksgiving and worship, always. Keep your eyes locked on the Good, on the things God is giving you now which benefit you now, and down the road. Be grateful that God is giving you more time here to become more like Jesus. As Paul says elsewhere, “To live in the body is Christ, to die is gain”.
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In Christ Week 3

Thank you that we get to slow down today and look at what it means to be In Christ. As we review the Pauline passages from the last week, I ask that you would inhabit us and help us to take this truth deep into our souls. Thank you, Jesus, that we get to be in you, that we get to grow into union with you.

On Monday, we looked at 1 Thessalonians 5:16-8, where we learned that in Christ, joy can be our continual feast. How can we do this? It is God’s plan for us to be thankful in all situations, in Christ Jesus. That takes a pretty major attitude shift, doesn’t it? We’ve been so programmed to sit around and whine and focus on the negative stuff happening around us that the thought of being thankful is alien to us, but that is what God desires from us who are in Christ.
On Wednesday, we saw Paul expressing how he is thankful whenever he thinks about Philemon and how Philemon loves the Body of Christ. I think this is Paul showing how to do what we talked about on Monday, that is, even when he is having a hard time, he finds reasons to be thankful to God, and lives in that reality, rather than focusing on the adverse conditions he faces in his own life and ministry. If we can master this, and be thankful for the smallest things on a regular basis, our lives will start to at least seem, if not actually become better. I can attest to this. Years ago, I was a very angry person because I hadn’t shifted my thinking and perceptions over to this reality, then I started to grab the Truth of who I am in Christ, and focus more on the good things that I do have and that I do receive in Him, and the anger and frustration started to melt away. Simple shifts that are so key, but not always easy to make, but with His help, we can make them.
On Friday, we took time to remind ourselves of the fact that we are one in the body of Christ. This line of thinking is often lost or missed in the ultra-individualistic West, as it strikes us as too collectivist or socialistic, and as though we would not have enough say in our own individual lives if we admitted to ourselves that we are interdependent on one another, and that in Christ, we need to function as a single human body. When was the last time you functioned at full capacity when you had a raging headache or a sore back? Would it work for your whole body to somehow be an eyeball or a brain? No, of course not, we each need every part of our bodies to be whole and to work in concert with one another in order to function as intended by God. This interdependence of being is the key to why in Jerusalem in the time of Acts, the ekklesia was able to hold all things in common (except for Ananias and Saphira, apparently, who missed the memo). When one body part hurts, we all hurt. When one is successful, we all can rejoice with them. This kind of interconnectivity and interdependence needs to be revived among Jesus followers.
So, to wrap this last week up with a nice little bow, I sense the Lord encouraging us to re-focus on what matters and what is actually real. The mercy of God is real, His grace, in Christ, is real. These things ought to enable us to live in a continual joy feast due to a mindset of gratitude and thankfulness to God, rather than focusing on temporal hardships and perceived deprivations that we face, and allowing those things to keep us isolated, rather than participating fully in the mystery of the Body of Christ. When we all (individually and as a community) shift into that place of thankfulness and realizing that we are truly one in Christ, then we will stop sniping at one another and seek to help one another, to truly love one another in Christ. How, if we are truly in Christ, and that reality has formed us, can we do anything but love other members of the body?

In Christ Week 2

Memesplanation Short: April 24, 2023

“I am the sprouting vine and you’re my branches. As you live in union with me as your source, fruitfulness will stream from within you—but when you live separated from me you are powerless. If a person is separated from me, he is discarded; such branches are gathered up and thrown into the fire to be burned. But if you live in life-union with me and if my words live powerfully within you—then you can ask whatever you desire and it will be done.
Abide in Him. You will grow when you live in union with Him. You will cease growing when you step away and disconnect from Him. What does it mean to live in union with Him? It means that we surrender our ways and adopt His. We go small. We cease to assert our own desires and choose to live with open hands of blessing toward others, and correcting what needs correction in ourselves and others as we grow.
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Memesplanation Short: April 26, 2023

Who am I in Christ? I am holy, alive, complete, chosen, called, justified, glorified, redeemed, forgiven, and so much more. If I cited passages to back all of these up, I’d be here for almost an hour. We each need an identity overhaul so that our beliefs about ourselves match what The Lord tells us in the New Testament. As long as there is even a “yeah, but” in you when I tell you that the Bible says that if you are in Christ, you are HOLY, you still have work to do. That is not a pride thing to believe what God says about you, still repent and work to walk in a more kenotic state so that you stay on track with God’s words over and about you.
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Memesplanation Short: April 28, 2023

Who are you in Christ? A masterwork created In CHRIST, so that you can do the good things that God designed for you to do before you were born. That is a huge statement, isn’t it? Let’s break it down:
1) God plans ahead from the before the beginning of time
2) God pursues you and makes a way for you to be in Christ.
3) God remakes us when we are in Christ
4) We choose to submit to Him
5) We get remade and have these good works, whatever they may be, revealed to us.
Wow. That may be too much for a memesplanation, but that is where I will leave you for now.

#memesplanation #ephesians2 #Bible #Paul #inChrist #Truth #TechFreedom #spiritualityntech

In Christ Week 2

Thank you for being present with us, along with the Holy Spirit as we are in Christ. Thank you that we get to learn what it means to be “in Christ”. Thank you that it is a divine mystery that we will never fully understand. Come and be in our midst as we continue this study.
In Jesus’ name,

Welcome to this series on what it means to be “in Christ”. I look forward to walking through much of what Paul had to say on this topic, as it is a rich mine that rarely gets tapped. Last week’s memesplanations covered some passages from Colossians, and I want to recap to these passages, briefly today. I will put a nice little bow on those passages, and that will be the norm for this series.
Colossians 1:18-20
He is the Head of his body, which is the church. And since he is the beginning and the firstborn heir in resurrection,  he is the most exalted One, holding first place  in everything. For God is satisfied to have all his fullness dwelling in Christ. And by the blood of his cross, everything in heaven and earth is brought back to himself—back to its original intent, restored to innocence again! 
If Jesus is the head of the Body of Christ, and we are that Body, then we have all the fullness of God available to us. Why do we miss this, more often than not? We are not told that it is available, or we don’t dig to find the Truth. Jesus is all in all through His sacrifice, and we are in Him. That is HUGE. Let that sink in, He has made us pure again. That is the starting point, not the endgame.
Colossians 3:1-4
Christ’s resurrection is your resurrection too. This is why we are to yearn for all that is above, for that’s where Christ sits enthroned at the place of all power, honor, and authority! Yes, feast on all the treasures of the heavenly realm and fill your thoughts with heavenly realities, and not with the distractions of the natural realm.
Your crucifixion with Christ has severed the tie to this life, and now your true life is hidden away in God in Christ. And as Christ himself is seen for who he really is, who you really are will also be revealed, for you are now one with him in his glory!

You are dead to this world, but alive in Christ. You no longer have to live as a slave to pride or any other thing that is not Him. Because we are dead to the world and alive to Him, we can feast, as this passage says, on the treasures of heaven, here and now. All of the buzz about identity and identities these days finds its proper end there. That is your identity, Christian. You are in Christ, first and foremost. Nothing else really matters.
Colossians 2:9-11
For he is the complete fullness of deity living in human form. And our own completeness is now found in him. We are completely filled with God as Christ’s fullness overflows within us. He is the Head  of every kingdom and authority in the universe!
Through our union with him we have experienced circumcision of heart. All of the guilt and power of sin  has been cut away and is now extinct because of what Christ, the Anointed One, has accomplished for us.

Juicy fruits, no? If Jesus is God incarnate, and we are in Him, then we get all of that as long as we submit to Him. We get to be filled with all the fullness of God. Let that sink in: since we are in Christ, we have full access to the riches of heaven.
So, God has made it possible for us to be more than we are, through Jesus. We have access to the fullness of God, the riches of heaven, both spiritually and in the natural. We are dead to the world, the pride which sets it and enslaved us in opposition to the Lord, and alive to the freedom that comes through submission to His ways. We get to be formed in His way now, rather than wandering the trackless places in this world.

In Christ Week 1

In Christ Week 1

This is the question we will be seeking to answer over the next several weeks. If we are, as Paul says, “In Christ”, what does that mean? Does that have physical connotations of some sort? Does that mean that our individual souls are caught up in Him? Does that mean that our sin is hidden? Does that mean that we are One with Him in some way? Does that mean that we have new life “in Him”? That we are masterworks “in Him? This and more. Stick around to learn how we are “In Christ” and what it means, over the next several weeks.


Does “in Christ” mean that we are one with Him in some way? This is why I chose to do this as a followup to the Theosis discussion we had before Holy Week. Yes, in some way that we do not fully understand, we are both one with Him and becoming and growing into that unity. What the precise end of that is, even the Orthodox have not come to firm conclusions. It is a mystery as beautiful as the Cross itself. The Cross is the key to this door, the compass rose for this map, the Rosetta Stone for this lost language. We could spend eternity unpacking exactly what happened on the cross, and we still would not exhaust it fully. That, I feel, is the same with this mystery. We are One with Him, now, but are growing into greater dimensions of unity through walking with Him.

In Christ, we have newness of life. We have been reborn IN HIM. What does that mean? On one level, we have been birthed into His death and resurrection, therefore we have a new Lord, and no longer need to be dominated by the patterns of pride which manifest in attitudes and behaviors which ultimately destroy us, both physically and spiritually. We can walk in freedom. That is the new life that 1 Corinthians 15:22 talks about, here. Life under new Lordship where we are no longer constrained to live according to pride.

Thank you that we can rest in Christ. Thank you that we can slow down from time to time to look at things like this. Holy Spirit, be with us as we learn over the next few weeks. Help the Word to really get down in us so that it can transform us from the inside out. Jesus, help us to learn from experience as we learn in our minds what it means to be in you. In Jesus’ name,

This last week, we started our journey into what it means to be “in Christ”. Last Monday, we asked a series of questions which I hope to answer over the next several weeks, about just what it means to be “in Christ”. On Wednesday, I showed in part that I chose this series as a followup to the series on Theosis that we did before Resurrection Sunday. In some sense that we do not understand, we are indeed united with Christ, we have been made one with Him. We have been called righteous because we yielded our lives to Him. We have been welcomed into who He is, and His Truth, His belovedness gets all over us and all through us, like anointing oil that changes all it touches. Friday we talked about how we have new life in Him. That is the miracle I was just struggling to explain from Wednesday’s recap. He gives us his resurrection life once we die to ourselves. Baptism is meant to be a symbol and a sign of that inner reality, though many believe and see it to be more. I am coming to see this as a daily exercise, not that we lose our salvation each night (heaven forbid), but a daily choice to die to self, pick up the cross, and follow Him. That is what makes us followers of Jesus, not some mental assent, or even Spirit-baptism. We cannot truly be in Christ if we do not give up our lives, our lordship, to Him. There are so many passages about this great exchange in the New Testament, so many references to being “in Christ” or “in Him”. It is something that is worthy of study for so many reasons.
In the coming week, we’ll talk more about what it means to be “in Christ”, tomorrow, we will cover an encouragement from John 15, from the mouth of Jesus Himself. He tells us that we are to stay in unity with Him at all times so that we can produce fruit as believers. We cannot do things on our own, at least not for long, and hope for finally good results. Too many of us try to do that, and things do not go as they need to, do they. The fruit we expect winds up just being a husk rather than something nourishing. It may look good on the outside, from a distance, but when we get closer we see that it is no good. On Wednesday, we will talk about one of my favorite things, Identity in Christ. In Christ, we have so much: righteousness, holiness, healing, friendship, a brother who will never betray or fail us, and so much more. How do we live “in Christ” though? We must first die to self, as I mentioned earlier. We must lay our pride down, choosing to submit to His ways, rather than asserting our own desires. Once we do that, we can start to tap into who we are in Christ. Finally, on Friday, we will talk about how God has truly done the heavy lifting for us, and once we are “in Christ” we can begin to walk out the amazing good things that we were originally made to do. It is all quite stunning, particularly against the backdrop of our previous discussion of theosis. This, series, I think, will put more rubber to the road for many of us. Be blessed this week, and I’ll see you tomorrow for the memesplanation.
As an aside, the posting schedule is changing around here: I am now doing only 3 memesplanations per week, to match the 3 news days, which will be Monday, Wednesday, and Friday rather than Monday-Wednesday. I will continue with the devotions for Sundays and the streamed show on Fridays.

Spirituality & Tech Holy Week 2023

Holy Week 2023

As we enter Holy Week this year and stop to look at your Son’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem, be with us. Help us to join in the joy of the day. Help us to hear Him clearly in the text. Help us to feel and smell the dust from the road, the wind and the sweat from the throngs of people who greeted Him in defiance of Empire. Jesus, help us to feel your heart for Jerusalem, for Your people. Holy Spirit, help us to join in with what you desire for us in this moment. In Jesus’ name,
It is a warm, breezy day as Jesus prepares to ride to Jerusalem from Bethany. He dispatches two of the twelve to borrow a young, unbroken donkey’s foal from a local person. He knows much of what will transpire in the next week, and the human side of Him relishes in the approbation that He knows He will receive that day, but then balances that against the reality of what will be coming later in the week, whether sooner, or later. I don’t think that He knew that He would be raised from the dead, but I think the Father let Him know that the cross was coming, that these who cheered so loudly for Him would so easily be turned against Him. Against that internal backdrop, the two who He sent out to find the donkey come back with the animal, with jubilation because all was as the Master had said it would be. They catch a glimpse of Jesus’ face as a cloud passes over it. Jesus shakes off the thoughts and feelings He was having, then tells them to get the others, because it is time to go to Jerusalem. Two of them lay their cloaks on the animal’s back, then mounts the young donkey, and they set out on the 2 mile trip from Mary & Martha’s place to the gates of Jerusalem.
Just a little way into the trip, a crowd begins to throng around the road, cutting and placing palm branches, waving cloaks, and crying out:
“Hosanna! Hosanna to the Son of David!!!!”
“Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord!”
Then, almost on cue, the pharisees get Jesus’ attention:
“Shut them down! Don’t you realize what this could look like to the Romans?”
I see Jesus laughing at them, but not at THEM, but the spirits behind them, then He grins from ear to ear, and shouts, over the crowd:
“If I silence them, the very ROCKS themselves will begin to cry out, and you will hear it.”
That shut the pharisees down, though I sense that they simply added it to their “list”, and got even more angry with Him because He didn’t bow the knee to their demands, so they went to plot about how they could take Him down. They hated that they could not control Him, their pressure meant nothing… It was almost as though He was challenging them to do something about Him and His message. It was a clash of Kingdoms. A war of the worlds, so to speak. Jesus knew that He had come to die, not that He wanted to suffer, but was committed to the Father’s rescue plan, as we have talked about in our recent memesplanations on theosis. I love that other interpretation of why Jesus came. It wasn’t because we were basically evil, though we have become bent in that direction over time. It was to restore relationship and communion with us, and to open the way to experience communion with God even here, if we will empty ourselves of ourselves, and learn to love one another in the way that we were originally designed to. It is that simple. Heaven is union with God. That is why Jesus came.
This is Holy Week, and this week, I will post short reflections on the events of that week, with an eye towards convincing you that perhaps the traditional account doesn’t make sense in terms of time. The meaning of the events is the same, but perhaps most of the action happened in the first 4 days of the week, from Sunday-Wednesday, rather than skipping about 2 days, and truncating the 3 days Jesus was supposed to be in the grave to 1-1.5 days. Never sat right with me… At any rate, tune in for those, here on the Spirituality & Tech channel on Rumble.

Memesplanation Short – Holy Monday

The cleansing of the temple. In most accounts, this happened just after the fig tree incident, a day or two after Palm Sunday. That is why I chose to put this on the Monday of Holy Week. Over the course of the week, I will show that the traditional accounts are incorrect in terms of when what happened. Why did Jesus clear the money changers and merchants out of the Temple courts? Why was he so upset by this situation? He knew that these individuals and systems, while originally intended to make life easier for the faithful, ultimately created a very oppressive situation. These bankers and merchants extorted the poor who came to worship and sacrifice. How is a church bookstore or coffee shop any different from these men who interfered with the people’s desire to be with God as best they could. The Temple was meant to point to the reality that after Jesus died, was raised, and ascended into heaven, we would each be our own place to meet with God, our own place where God can commune with us. It became a horrible situation, run by money-grubbing, power-hungry men (not all of the ones on the Sanhedrin matched this description, but most did). Jesus could not brook that continuing, so at the Spirit’s urging, he fashioned a whip out of cords and kicked all of that marketplace nonsense to the curb. What elements in your temple might need cleansing today? God is not against us providing for ourselves, as long as that provision does not preclude us from being with Him. If it becomes the center of who we are, and starts to control our lives, then God will probably desire to cleanse our respective temples.

Memesplanation Short –

Holy Tuesday

As Jesus and the 12 were returning to Jerusalem after Palm Sunday, Jesus saw a fig tree in leaf, but it was barren, so he cursed it because he was hungry. The next day, when they came back to the City, the tree was withered from the root. The disciples, particularly Peter, were stunned at that development, so Jesus used it as a teaching moment for them, on the nature of faith. What faith did it take for Jesus to end the life of that tree? This translation says that it was instant, most say that it happened by the next day. Either way, though, the tree withered in very short order after Jesus cursed it, and he taught them about the nature of faith and what it can do when wielded properly. Much ink has been spilled on this topic, and I will not add much more to it. Where is your faith? What is faith, as you understand it? Let me know in the comments.

Memesplanation Short –

Holy Wednesday

Here we are on the Day of Preparation, which would be after the Fig Tree on Tuesday, and Jesus sends the Peter and John to find accommodations for them to each the Passover Meal. This story opens with Jesus speaking prophetically about what they will find in the city. As I wrote this, it hit me that perhaps the term should be that He manifested what he desired, then they found it just as He had said. Remember, he had just taught them about faith earlier in the day, and who knows what he taught on in the Temple that day. So I’m going to say that Jesus manifested the Upper Room to that it would be exactly as He desired for them. Prove me wrong.

Memesplanation Short – Maundy Thursday

In reality, this likely happened on Tuesday or Wednesday, not Thursday. I honor the tradition, as it makes sense to split things up a bit, but even with the way that these events are presented in the Gospels, it seems more bang, bang, bang than there being a couple of days where nothing remarkable happened. So, if the Last Supper happened on Tuesday night, then the arrest was that night, the trial was that night and into Wednesday, and the crucifixion was on Wednesday, He was dead and buried by the beginning of the High Sabbath of Passover (which lasted 3 days, from sundown on Wednesday to sundown on Saturday. Normal Sabbath is sundown Friday – sundown Saturday. This, being the highest of the Feasts, has an extra long time of rest for the people. This gives us 3 days in the grave, Thursday-Saturday. He was probably raised in the middle of the night on Saturday (as we understand it).

Memesplanation Short – Good Friday

Now we come to “Good” Friday, which, if you have followed my argument so far, was actually the midpoint of the 3 days in the grave. Traditionally, this is when we remember Jesus’ sacrifice for us on the cross. If we were thinking historically and contextually, we would see that the crucifixion likely happened on Wednesday afternoon, not Friday afternoon. This does not negate or detract what He did for us, but it does help the story to make more sense, because I cannot think of a culture where Friday afternoon- early Sunday morning equals 3 days. That is not how the Jews reckon time. For Jewish reckoning, days start at sundown, and end at the next sundown. By that reckoning, He died at the end of Friday, was in the grave all day on the Sabbath, and was raised around sunrise on Sunday. That makes it just a hair over 1 day, not 3. The writers of the Gospel accounts were Jews, except for Luke. Think about it. If Jesus died around 3 PM on Friday (about 3 hours before the Sabbath was to begin), they would not have that as a day. You make up your mind. Let me know what makes sense to you in the comments.

Memesplanation Short – Holy Saturday

Jesus’ last day in the grave, no matter how you slice it. Whether He died on Wednesday or Friday, this is when the body of the Lord was most cold. In Jude, we learn that Jesus did indeed descend to Hell to bring forth the captives, break death, and proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom in the heart of the Enemy’s stronghold, embarrassing him just as he had embarrassed (or tried to embarrass Jesus). Today, we meditate on the pauses of life, when we are most unsure of what is coming next. Those moments, much like the one we now find ourselves in, when we have to catch our breath and cling to faith, just as the disciples did. Fear is natural in times of transition, but we can breathe easier because we know that in the end, we win. There are dark moments when it would be easy to give in to fear rather than rising up and standing or even kneeling in faith, believing that God is good, whether it LOOKS like it or not in the moment, in the natural.


Resurrection Day

As we look at this rightly familiar story which forms the core of our faith in your son, help us to see something different which may help us more than usual today. Thank you that you raised Jesus from the dead. Thank you that You paved the way back to what you always intended for us. Jesus, thank you for laying it all aside. Thank you for sacrificing it all so that we can be with and become a part of the communion that you are with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit, thank you for guiding us in the way that the Father would have us walk, thank you for being the seal of our salvation. In Jesus’ name,
Christ is risen! It is Resurrection Day. The day that we focus on the reason why we are different from every other religion on the planet. Today we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the dead by the power of the Father. Today we celebrate that we can become one with God, that God made a way, through the cross, and showed us that it worked by raising Jesus from the dead on the third day.
With that introduction… It was early on the first day of the week. It was just growing bright when Mary and Mary and one or two other women headed to the tomb where Jesus’ body had been laid at the end of the day on Wednesday. They planned to treat the body with more aloes and spices, for preservation against decay. But when they got there, they found that the tomb was open. A strange man appeared to Mary Magdalen, she initially thought that he was the gardener and had somehow not only unsealed the tomb, taken out the guards, and moved Jesus’ body somewhere unknown to her. He told her that He was Jesus… The rest of us, after she ran back to the upper room, were taken aback by this, so Peter and John ran as fast as they could to the tomb, not fully knowing what to expect when they got there. When John got there (and he got there first), he poked his head into the tomb, to see the gravecloths folded neatly on the slab where Jesus’ body had been laid. When Peter finally puffed up, he went all the way in, just like Peter to do that. He encountered an angel, who asked him who he was looking for. The angel explained that Jesus was not dead any more, that he had been raised to life. John heard this as well.
They walked back to the Upper Room, stunned. That was a rare thing for Peter to not be running his mouth, but the whole way back, they walked in silence. They were processing what they had just seen and heard, but words failed them. They could hardly believe it. Jesus is alive. John watched Him die on the cross, he had been there the whole time. He watched the “trials”, the scourging, the crowd being coerced into calling for His blood, Pilate passing sentence and washing his hands, the staggering journey to Golgotha, the nails, the mocking, the hours of anguish… To the very end, when Jesus gave Mary and John to one another as mother and son, then pled for forgiveness for all who had put Him where He was, then when He gave up His spirit and was pierced through the heart by that spear. John was there. Peter hid. Peter was ashamed of the betrayal that he had perpetrated. It nearly crippled him for days. How many of us have denied knowing the Lord when things got hairy? Have you always stood strong, or have you chosen the easy, silent way to avoid strife or ridicule? How would you feel if an angel told you that the man whom you’d denied to save your own skin was alive, after all? How would you feel if you were John? You watched Him suffer and die. You were probably there helping to bury the body before the beginning of the High Sabbath.
I didn’t have words for my feelings, either. When they got back to the Upper Room, and confirmed what Mary had been telling us, we weren’t sure what to make of it, either. Stunned doesn’t quite cover the emotion that was so thick in the room that you didn’t even need a knife to cut it, you could easily cut it with the edge of your hand. Fear, confusion, wanting to believe this amazing news, shock… So many emotions. We weren’t sure what to think either… We didn’t dare to be joyful, though over the course of the day, that started to creep over us as well. As we sat down, we 10 (Thomas had left on business during the day, and the traitor had already hung himself in the Potter’s Field), Jesus walked through the wall into the room. We nearly hung from the ceiling at that point, because we’d never seen anyone do anything like that before, so all we could think was that it must’ve been a ghost in our midst. Jesus bade us be at peace… Yeah, right… That was gonna happen in that moment. We started to calm down as he grabbed and ate a piece of the fish we’d prepared for dinner. We didn’t understand it yet, but prophecy had been fulfilled in our midst. Jesus was truly alive. We still hid much of the time, as the Jewish leadership had a vested interest in quashing any story of resurrection, and indeed, they still work hard to deny the truth of the resurrection, as it makes Jesus’ message and claims carry more weight than they could bear.
He is ALIVE! Death could not hold Him. Hallelujah!!!