Podcast Intro for The Weekend Edition

Welcome to my podcast. This show has been a stream on Rumble for some time, but I’ve been encouraged to turn it into a podcast to see how that might go.

What is the Weekend Edition? It is a news commentary show with a decidedly conservative and sarcastic tone. I believe that government should be small, people should be free, and laws should be limited. The real world throws those ideals into disarray on a daily basis as people and companies to horrible things to one another and prove that they cannot handle the responsibility which comes with freedom. I look at the week’s tech news and some current events which are related to tech, break them down, go on rants about related topics, then pose questions to the audience. The stream usually contains about a half hour of classic computer games as well, during which time I talk about the game and rant more, as well as summarizing the week’s stories. Sometimes I cover sensitive topics, and other times I may use some spicy language in my commentary. Tune in and subscribe to the blog, rumble channel, and here on your favorite podcast platform.