Tech Freedom

Who Are You?  Week 6

On Monday, we learned how we are to relate with our employers. We are to honor them as though they were the Lord Himself. Work hard and go above & beyond what you are required to do, whether they are watching or not. Don’t be George Costanza. It honors the Lord when you do your best, whether you’re being directly supervised or not.  Whether they treat you well or not, treat them how you want to be treated. If you were in their shoes, would you want to receive shoddy work? How does that honor the Lord? Serve your boss well, even if your job is redundant. It is that simple, seek to do your job to the best of your ability, no matter if your boss is undeserving or not. We are quality workpeople in Christ.

On Wedensday, we started talking about spiritual warfare. In Christ, you are God’s warrior. Be aware that you are in a battle. The enemy is coming at you, no matter what. You are unified with Christ, and that is why the enemy has a giant “Kick Me” sign on your back. Remember that fellow humans are not your target, the elemental powers and demonic strongholds are. Protect yourself with the armor of God so it is harder for them to get to you. Learn to discern the powers behind each person who presents as an enemy in your life, that way you can pray for them to be set free, seeing that they are pawns or puppets for those dark entities, rather than reacting in a desire for vengeance. It only perpetuates the set of problems which led them to being willing partners with the enemy when you personally seek vengeance.

On Friday, we chatted briefly about the Armor of God to protect us in that battle. So, if we are unified with Christ, then what do we have to protect ourselves in this spiritual warfare? The armor of God. Truth, holiness, peace, faith, salvation, and the spoken Word of God. We also need to pray constantly in the Spirit. That is how we use the armor effectively; how we use truth, appropriate holiness, share peace in the Lord, live in faith, walk in progressively more full deliverance, and discern which parts of the Word of God ought to be spoken in a given situation. We fight (figuratively) on our knees. God has already done the fighting for us, we need to stand in His victory through prayer and support one another in love.

So, who are we in Christ, according to Ephesians 6? We are good workers and warriors in the Kingdom of God. We are to serve our employers well, whether they are watching or not, whether they are good bosses or not. This honors the Lord. How are we warriors? Well, the truth is that if you’re alive, you are a fighter, whether consciously for the Kingdom or unconsciously for the enemy. There is no neutral in this war, no bendu. (Star Wars Rebels reference) The Force, in Star Wars, is said to have two sides, right? The Light and The Dark, and most sentients are drawn to one or the other naturally, or through the way that they were brought up. You wind up, if you are Force-sensitive, falling into one of two camps: Jedi or Sith. The Bendu is a being who inhabited the gray area in the middle. Not particularly drawn to either side of the force. I digress, though. My point is that by merely existing, we are pieces on the cosmic chessboard. We need to be aware of that reality and choose the side of Light, then stand firm in the armor of God.