Tech Freedom

FOSS News April 10-14, 2023

Distro Monday 53: Fast Distros with a Hacking Interlude

DM 53.1 – What’s CachyOS?
Well, it’s kinda like it says. This new distro is meant to be fast, and secure. I need something that isn’t gonna get in my way, so maybe I’ll give this a try on my Surface, then after that I’ll give you my opinion. I’m currently running EndeavourOS, which I talk about every time they release a new ISO, but even it has some problems on this goofy machine. I just want to find something that will do what I need it to without getting in my way via glitches which result in weird performance issues. I digress, though. Back to Cachy, so what is so special about this Arch distro? For one, it is designed for ease of use, so it is more like a Manjaro or Garuda than Vanilla Arch. Secondly, it is, as I said before, built for speed and increased security. This sounds like an excellent thing to me. What makes it unique, though?
· Desktop packages compiled with LTO and x86-64-v3 optimization.
o LTO grants the compiler the opportunity to see more than a single .o file at a time. This grants extra freedom for the optimisation that yields:
§ reduced code size (seen binaries down to 40%, but expect some 5-20% reduction)
§ increased execution speed (hey, there is less code for the same thing, how much faster depends on how the application, obviously)
· Choice of desktop environments with online installation process (including i3, bspwm, and Openbox, and Wayfire window managers)
o The standard desktop options apply: GNOME, KDE, LxQt, Xfce, and Cutefish
· Offline and Online installation options
· GUI and CLI-based installation options
· Optimized Linux Kernel with advanced BORE Scheduler for enhanced performance and reliability
o There are a handful of other options as well, for the more advanced users.
o I’m going to try to ask some questions in their forum before I dive in, as I do need a particular kernel in order for things to work right on this machine, as far as I know.
There have been reports of a 10-20% performance uplift for users vs other distros, due to their tweaks, and that sounds very interesting to me. I’m also liking the added security claims. We shall see if it is worth trying on this machine or not. Maybe I should try it on my boys’ old machine, see if it feels more responsive than Manjaro there. That would almost make more sense to do right now. Again, though, not sure when I might get to that.
#distromonday #cachyOS #Linuxnews #FOSSNews #newdistro #TechFreedom

DM 53.2 – Dangerous Tools: Black Arch Linux
This, like Kali Linux, is termed as an “ethical hacking” distro. What does that mean? It is Arch + over 2,800 tools to help you do penetration testing, security research, and the like. Yes, it is built by “hackers, for hackers”. Being based on Arch, it will naturally be more finicky than Kali, but also far more robust and bleeding edge in terms of packages not directly related to the ethical hacking tools they create and bundle with it. I’m not gonna list all the tools, because we’d be here all day reading it off, but I will encourage you to take a look at the exhaustive list they have ( The team had been quiet for the last year, which is part of why I haven’t covered it until now. The other part is that my business and channel are oriented toward attracting new users to the space, not circle-jerking with others who know the OS better than I do. This is a niche within a niche, and not even super well-known in the Linux space, as Kali is by nature more stable and accessible. However, I still wanted to say something about this distro, as variety is the spice of life.
#distromonday #blackarch #FOSSNews #Linuxnews #Linux #hackers #whitehats #TechFreedom

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#distromonday #freedom #consultation #Linux #degoogleyourlife #TechFreedom


DM 53.3 – News from Linux Lite
Linux Lite is a *buntu-based distro with an eye toward being lightweight and fast, perfect for users with older, or less powerful machines, particuarly those who really want to breathe new life into old hardware. It uses Xfce as the desktop, and stays very stable, rather than always updating those packages as soon as they come available (it is still using 4.16 rather than the new 4.18). Why else should you be interested though? It is stable and fast. What’s new?
· Ubuntu 22.04 LTS with the 5.15 LTS kernel
· Zstd compression
o Makes installs faster
· Systemd Reporting through the Lite System Report App
· Updated Thunar File Manager
o Thumbnail support for WebP images
· Latest and greatest Papirus icons
· Pre-installed Apps all updated
o Thunderbird
o WokeFox (sorry, Mozilla is super woke, guys)
o Etc…
All in all a solid update, btw, you can install pretty much any Linux kernel you want, from 3.13 all the way up to 6.2, from their repos. Pretty cool.
#distromonday #Linux #LinuxLite #lightweight #fast #oldhardware #newhardware #FOSSNews #TechFreedom


Tech Freedom Intro: What to expect from my channels and website.

#intro #TechFreedom #telegram #truthsocial #publicsq #gab #Truth

Wonder Wednesday 1 - KDE Updates and A Docker How-To

Wonder Wednesday 1 – KDE Updates and A Docker How-To
Ever Wonder What’s Next for KDE?
Degoogle Your Mobile Life
Ever Wonder What Docker Is or If It Might Help You?

#wonderwednesday #newthing #Linux #FOSSNews #KDE #Docker #TechFreedom
Wonder Wednesday, New Thing, Linux news, FOSS News, KDE updates, Docker Intro, Tech Freedom

WW 1.1 – KDE Plasma 5.27.4
We have another maintenance update for the latest LTS version of KDE. Let’s see what’s new, shall we?
· Fixed a KWin crash in dual monitor setups where after disabling and renabling the secondary monitor
· Scroll speed setting fixed
· Better GTK app handling
o Multi-monitor
o Switching global themes
· Plasma Wayland Session
o No more quit with too-long window names
o Improvements for NVidia Users
§ Screen recording and task manager thumbnails now better
· Quality of Life Improvements
o energy usage graphs in the Info Center app more reliable when using dark themes
o multi-monitor support to visually distinguish monitors with the same name and serial number by showing their connector names
o Better support for Flatpak apps in the Plasma Discover package manager
· Plasma Discover
o Faster when there are a ton of updates
o No more prompts to update when Discover window is open
o Emoji picker app can now be opened with dedicated emoji key on keyboard (what are we coming to, y’all?)
o Kicker launcher’s “Sort applications alphabetically” setting now removes manually-placed separator lines between apps.
· Many bugs fixed
o Certain crashes
o Visually corrupted decorations
o Better support for GTK headerbar apps when running Breeze GTK theme
o No more red/blue cursor color swap in screen casting
· And more…
#KDE #updates #alwaysgettingbetter #stillamess #stillmyfavorite #FOSSNews #TechFreedom

WW 1.2 – KDE Frameworks 5.105
Small update with only 55 changes made, which makes allot of sense since most of their development energy is focused on Plasma 6, which is coming soon as well. The main headline is better support for the Breeze icon theme in Flatpak apps downloaded via flathub. Other than that, it’s just a handful of tweaks to Kirigami apps, New icons for Redshift, and fixed a bug which led to the Filelight icon being shown for GParted and KwikDisk, new icons for showing and hiding the virtual keyboard. We should also see fewer Baloo file indexing service crashes, which is always a good thing.
Not much else to say here, they release one of these per month, at least until Plasma 6 is released.

As an aside: I used to be a 100% KDE fanboy, used to hate GNOME with a passion because of the stunts that the dev team over at Red Hat pulled every time there was an update (thereby breaking most extensions), but now I’ve been using GNOME 44 on my Surface since it was released, and while this sad little machine still has its issues, GNOME seems better suited for this purpose than KDE ever has been. I eat crow when I need to, and this is one of those situations. That is all.
#KDE #updates #flatpaksupport #icons #fewercrashes #FOSSNews #TechFreedom

Want to learn more about how to degoogle your phone and why?


#TechFreedom #degoogled #degoogleyourlife #defintionsday #Truth

WW 1.3 – What is Docker Anyway?
Docker is a containerization solution for app development and deployment. Think of it as a Firejailed Flatpak on steroids. With a Docker implementation, any app should run the same on pretty much any system, because all of its core dependencies are included in the container, so it does not need to rely on the underlying system for much at all, other than processing power, storage, and RAM. Containerization also nets the benefits of virtualization without the overhead of running a full guest OS. Will it work for every scenario, not necessarily. On the other hand, if you need more security, a virtual machine will be a better bet, even with the overhead, as those are that much more segmented from the rest of the system in terms of resources. I’m not going to read through the how-to install it, if you want to know, simply read the article, linked below.
What are the main pieces of Docker? The Docker Engine, which allows you to run docker containers on your system via a background daemon process. Then there is the Docker Image, multiple of which can be stacked to create your ideal container for your purposes, this is a file which serves as a template to create dockerfiles which are the containers for your apps. Finally, we have the Docker Container itself: this is a Linux instance with all of the dependencies for your app built in, and not much else; it will stay in memory until you delete the dockerfile you created for it; you turn images into containers by adding read/write permissions to the image.
How do I use it, though? Here are a few basic commands:
· To run a Docker container – docker container run [options] [container name]
o Here are some run options:
§ -i or –interactive – Interact with containers (connect to the container’s standard input).
§ -t or –tty – Assign a pseudo-terminal.
§ -d or –detach – Avoid terminal lockup (run in the background).
§ –rm – Automatically remove stopped containers.
§ –name Name the container (make it easier to specify containers).
§ –platform – Explicit image architecture.
· To list all Docker containers on your system
o docker container ls
· To stop a particular container from running – (two step situation):
o docker container ls -a (the –a will list every container)
§ then
o docker container stop [docker id] (you don’t need to type in all of the id string just the first few characters, as each container’s opening string for their ID is unique)
· To download new Images from Docker Hub
o docker pull [image name]
· To delete Images –
o docker rmi [image name]
o docker rmi –f [image]
§ The –f flag will force the issue, so even if it is being used in a container, it will still get the ax.
About Dockerfiles though, there are many possible directives, but here are a few key ones:
· FROM – Specify base image
· RUN – execute arbitrary command
· COPY – Add files from the host machine to the image
· CMD – specify a default instruction
To show you what we are talking about, say we want to use an Ubuntu 20.04 image for something, first, you pull the image file, then you create a file called Dockerfile, then edit it and add the following lines:
FROM ubuntu:20.04
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y curl
Save the file, then run this command:
docker image build –tag my-ubuntu:20.04
If we don’t use the –tag flag, we will get a random string of characters as the ID for the container.
After that, run this to make sure that the container was successfully created, by running
docker images to see the list of images on your system.

Now you have some idea what Docker is, what containers are, and how to use and create Docker containers for yourself.

#docker #containerization #portable #virtualization #Linux #sysadmin #FOSSNews #TechFreedom

Bits & Bobs: How to Degoogle Your OnePlus Devices

#tutorial #degoogle #oneplus #TechFreedom #privacy #degoogleyourlife #FOSSNews #Truth

If CLI is a Bit Too Much for You, Here’s How the GrapheneOS Web-Installer Works for Pixels

#tutorial #example #definitionsday #pixel3xl #grapheneOS #degoogle #privacy #security

How to install GrapheneOS on a Pixel phone:

#definitionsday #TechFreedom #techtips #howto #tutorial

FOSS Fun Friday 1 – An Eclectic Batch of News

FFF 1.1 – Steam Deck News
A) Steam Deck to Cross 3 Million Units Sold This Year
This should not come as a terrible surprise, as the FOSS community has really banded around the ‘Deck. It is a niche product which has great potential, but most normie-con gamers are still quite happy with their Windows PCs, XBoxes and PlayStations, thank you very much. Still, that looks like quite the coup for Steam and Valve as a whole. Sure, that doesn’t make the eye-popping numbers from the big boys, where they sell that many in a bad month, but everything in context, this is cool.
#steam #valve #steamdeck #FOSSNews #Linuxgaming #TechFreedom #FFF
B) GE-Proton 7-55 Released
Quick note, this is not a huge update, but it makes it easier to work around and with Easy Anti-Cheat titles. so here’s what’s new in this hotfix update:
· This is a hotfix for EAC. In 7-53 the star citizen hotfix broke EAC compatibility for other games, this has been fixed now.
o wine updated to latest bleeding edge.
o dxvk updated to git.
o vkd3d-proton updated to git.
o nvapi enabled for final fantasy stranger of paradise.
o legacy xactengine winetricks protonfix removed as it’s finally no longer needed.
#FFF #Steam #Linuxgaming #geproton #hotfix #easyanticheat #FOSSNews #TechFreedom
C) Halo MasterChief Collection Now On Steamdeck
Cool tidbit, here, boys and girls. That’s right, Microsoft’s juggernaut of a series now works better on the ‘deck. However, there are still growing pains. So, what’s new here?
· When launching Halo: The Master Chief Collection on Steam Deck, selecting one of the available Anti-Cheat launch options will result in the game launching with the opposite launch option. For example, selecting “Anti-Cheat Disabled” will result in MCC launching with Anti-Cheat enabled.
o Until this issue is resolved in a future update, players on Steam Deck must select the “Anti-Cheat Disabled” launch option to access multiplayer matchmaking and the Custom Game Browser.
· Shortly after being removed from or leaving a party with other players via the Roster menu, players on Steam Deck may experience Halo: The Master Chief Collection freezing or crashing.
o Players on Steam Deck are unable to play Campaign Co-op or Spartan Ops with players on PC or Xbox consoles. Attempting to do so may result in players accessing gameplay, however, all sessions will eventually experience a “Connection Interrupted” error or a similar disconnection.
· Campaign Co-op and Spartan Ops will function as expected if all players in the group are playing on Steam Deck.
#FFF #halo #steamdeck #easyanticheat #Linuxgaming #FOSSNews #TechFreedom

FFF 1.2 – AMD Drivers Out Now… Good Stuff
So lots of changes to boost performance in AMD GFX for Linux. I alluded to some of these features a couple of weeks ago when I covered the new update for DOTA 2. This one should make some significant changes for anyone who doesn’t like Team Green with their pedo-inspired logo… But I digress. What’s new here? Well, GPL will be enabled by default, which should remove jitters from titles which do not have shader caches. Also due to a re-implementation of that shader cache structure, those cache files should be FAR smaller, which means that your hardware won’t have to work as hard and you get smoother performance. This is excellent. The changes in cache file size have been on the order of a 60% reduction in size for single-file situations, however, in multi-file situations, it has been observed to increase the overall cache size by 2%, due to overhead changes. Sounds like good stuff, even if we won’t necessarily get to see these benefits realized until potentially the next major update for Linux.
#FFF #AMD #RADV #Linux #drivers #MESA #performance #FOSSNews #TechFreedom
Freed Computer

Freed Computer

#freedcomputer #linux #nospying #safe #TechFreedom #Truth

FFF 1.3 – Not Strictly Gaming, But KDE Connect Got Some Big Love

The KDE Connect team got a big grant which will allow the development team to focus on it full time. This means that this handy piece of software will get new features and updates that much more frequently. What are they working on next?
· adding in a mDNS backend to improve device discovery and connections
o This is a big deal because it can be a bit finicky at times, so this getting improved makes me very happy
· Rolling out improvements and updates to encryption by dropping the older protocols for old Android
· Security patches and updates
· They’re also looking to improve the UI in terms of accessibility
All good, here. Hopefully that mDNS shift will make those connection issues that I have had go away.
#FFF #Linux #KDEConnect #GSConnect #security #stability #better #FOSSNews #TechFreedom

FFF 1.4 – Minetest 5.7 Released
If you’re thinking that the name of this game sounds allot like an uber-popular title from Mojang, you’d be right. This is a FOSS game that is very similar to Minecraft. It is an open-world, pixelart, sandbox game which allows you to build just about anything. This version adds a huge performance boost: long-distance horizon drawing used to absolutely crawl, at ~10 FPS, now that same scene practically flies at 53 FPS. That is huge, as 10 FPS is not even remotely playable, where 53 FPS is almost buttery. They’ve added some effects, such as bloom and dynamic exposure, along with occlusion culling, so that it no longer renders things that are outside the frame, and they’ve added better multi-threading support, as well as some goodies for modders. I don’t play these sorts of games at this stage in my life, but I know that many do.
#FFF #minetest #minecraft #updates #performance #goodstuff #FOSSgames #Linuxgaming #FOSSNews #TechFreedom

Weekend Edition 32: Bob Lee, Twitter Drama & AI for the Week

WE 32.1 – Bob Lee’s Alleged Killer Collared
Justice is coming for Bob. Here’s a followup on last week’s lead story. It looks like he knew his attacker and the attack was not a robbery or just a random murder. It would appear that the two men knew each other, and had been having a very heated argument in the suspect’s car during the wee hours of the morning last Tuesday morning. It got so combative that it would appear that Mr. Lee exited the car, and the suspect followed him, then pulled a knife on him. The knife, with the suspect’s prints on it was found near the scene. Part of me is curious to know what the argument was about, and why the men took it to such great lengths. I can’t think of many things that could lead to that much of a reaction in me, with someone that I know well. Perhaps more details will come to light, who knows, right?
#Cashapp #boblee #suspectarrested #justice #weekendedition #TechFreedom

WE 32.2 – Former Theranos CEO to Report to Prison
Elizabeth Holmes, who was a party to defrauding Big Money in the US about 5 years ago, is to report to prison as she awaits her appeal. A few months ago, I covered that she and her former partner (multiple senses to that word) had been sentenced to 11 and 13 years for their respective parts in the fraud scheme around the Theranos claims about their revolutionary blood testing technology. The courts are not allowing her to stay free pending the appeal that may take a year to be heard. This is what happens when you defraud people like Buffett and others in the Billionaire class. You get slapped to the stone age. In comparison, if your fraud does not touch the upper crust, your trial will probably drag out further, and while you will likely be banned from ever running a business where you might be able to defraud people again as well as getting fined, and/ or required to refund or return money to those whom you harmed. They are throwing the book at Theranos just like they did with Skrelli and Madoff.

#theranos #elizabethholmes #fraud #payingthepiper #TechFreedom #weekendedition
WE 32.3 – Elon & Twitter
A) Elon’s BBC Interview
a. Denies that trolling and other “hateful” content is on the rise on Twitter since he took over. The snowflakes are melting because they don’t have full run of the place anymore. The “journalist” who interviewed him couldn’t provide a single example of how that content had trended upward in the last 6 months. Lame.
b. Somehow I am less than surprised that a big tech guy, even one as seemingly outspoken in certain conservative ways as Elon is, would vote for Depends in the last election, rather than the “Bad Orange Man”.
c. He stands by Twitter’s efforts against bots and “hateful” content, in spite of multiple studies purporting to show how Twitter is worse off since he took over.
i. Terribly shocking that he would stand by their efforts… About as shocking as these Woke-ist studies amplifying all that they claim to hate, so not really at all.
d. Doesn’t believe that TikTok should be banned, as he is “generally against bans”. He doesn’t use the platform, but is not for the ban merely because it might drive content and eyeballs back to Twitter.
e. He would not sell at this point, unless the buyer shared his commitments to free speech and the like. He believes that he can turn it around to actually be profitable, unlike as it was, and he likens the way it was to a non-profit, rather than a business.
f. Twitter will change BBC’s label on the platform to “publicly funded” rather than “government funded” even though 71% of their revenue comes in the form of UK TV license fees, aka, straight from the Crown. BBC had whined about having the same label as RT and other global State media outlets.
#elon #interview #surprise #FOSSNews #TechFreedom

B) Twitter Labels NPR & BBC as “Government Affiliated Media”
Lol. They chose to call it how it is. Both media giants balked, NPR actually committed to leaving the platform over the alleged mis-characterization, so good riddance to bad rubbish, there, right? The BBC whined, and as I just mentioned in the interview story, Twitter back down and will change the label, from “Government Affiliated” to “Publicly Funded” media, and it would appear that that will be enough to keep the British giant on the platform. NPR is all in a tizzy over it, crying that only 3% of their income is from the CPB, which runs PBS. Both organizations insist that they have editorial freedom and are not beholden to any government entity to make sure that their news stories are non-damaging to the US or the UK. I struggle with that characterization, as we know that ALL MSM, and likely some of the smaller alt-media outlets get their talking points from the Clowns in America or the MI5/6 in the UK. Show me proof that the intellignce communities do not have full control over most of these outlets, and I’ll eat some crow.
#Twitter #NPR #BBC

WE 32.4 – AI News For the Week
A) Big 3 Square Off (ChatGPT vs Bing vs Bard)
You’re probably wondering why I’m bothering with this article at all with the running commentary I have about these tools, but it caught my eye. I am surprised that the Bing AI, which is an implementation of GPT-4 (the tech behind chatGPT) seems to be the middle of the road choice, here, where vanilla chatGPT outshines its competitors in every test. Bard currently sucks eggs, even though it has realtime access to Google Search to craft its responses to things. However, that may change when Google transitions from the LaMDA to PaLM large language model. I think what we are seeing here is just that Bard has not had the billions of user requests that chatGPT has had since it was released for public use back in November, as it is just becoming publicly available. Bing is weird, here though, because where chatGPT shines, it is just kind of so-so. I will repeat my refrain here: I do not trust the the mega-corps that are designing these models, not to give me accurate, relatively unbiased information, and I see these tools as pleas from them for us to give them even more data about us, our interests and the info we want to know or have put together for us. As time goes on, I see these “generative ‘AI’s’” as more nefarious, but not in the same way as people like my wife do. I think that they are designed to lull us into farming out our thinking even more than mass media and the “education” system in most countries do already. Don’t let them take your mind from you through atrophy, people.
#ughhhh #AI #showdown #weekendedition

B) AWS to Launch Generative AI Competitor
Bedrock is a foundation for other companies to build their own tools with, not a publicly available chatbot like Bard, ChatGPT or Bing. It has a bevy of models to choose from which are all at least somewhat pre-trained, but each implementation will be 100% isolated from others using the same model, so no random company will benefit from the data that another company pours into their AI implementation based on Bedrock. This sounds like a good business move, and Amazon has been training Titan, their in-house AI models, for about 20 years, based on site searches on Be wise in how you use these tools. I won’t pretend that if you have decided to use them or already have started to use them that you will stop on my account, but please slow your roll on this. Do not be in such a blind rush that you cannot see the problems with these tools.
#weekendedition #AI #Amazon #AWS #Bedrock #interesting #FOSSNews #TechFreedom

C) AI Gen Images Cause a Stir
Deepfakes had their day in the sun this week, with their faked images going viral because people are either too tired or unobservant to notice the differences between faked images and real ones. Some were innocuous enough, of course, but the fact that people couldn’t tell the difference between real and fake, and the images were caused to go viral (I do not trust virality anymore, as it is too easily pushed via algorithms) and thus made a big stir, in some cases. This article ends with a tepid call for legislation around these issues, which seems to be something of a reaction to the notion that we need to democratize AI tools so that everyone can have access to them, if desired. I echo the call to democratize things, as you can imagine, since the name of this channel is FOSS (Free & Open Source Software) News. I believe strongly that the best, and perhaps only, way forward in terms of not becoming an even more blatant corporatocracy, is to open source as many things in our lives as possible. Speaking of open sourcing things, it is time to play a FOSS game.

#weekendedition #AI #midjourney #imagegenerators #warnings #FOSSNews #TechFreedom