Before we begin together on this, here are the steps you’ll need to take using another computer:
Also, check here, on Mr. Chromebox, for compatibility.
1) Have at least an 8 GB flash drive handy.
2) Download your chosen Linux distributions from their respective developer sites.
3) Download Balena Etcher here:
4) Install Balena Etcher to your computer.
5) Plug in your flash drive
6) Open Balena Etcher
7) Flash the ISO you downloaded onto the usb flash drive
8) Unmount (Safely Remove) and detach flash drive from the computer
Another thing you may need, unless you work on small electronics on a regular basis is this: one of the iFixit screwdriver sets. I have the Mako kit right now, but I may invest in a larger kit later on. You probably only NEED the Minnow kit
for this project.
On your Chromebook, here are the steps you’ll need to take:
cd; curl -LO
sudo install -Dt /usr/local/bin -m 755