Tech Freedom

tech freedom is a passion project designed to help people break free from Big Tech. The founder, Matthew Patten, is first and foremost, a beloved son of God. After that comes his family, his wife, Ruth, and their children, whom they homeschool. Then come his passions: Jesus, technology, music, and Lord of the Rings, followed by Sci-Fi. Let’s just say that he is a nerd. Matthew is a graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary, and met Ruth while both were students there. He loves the Lord and the Family of God, but not so much the institutional church. Don’t get him going on that unless you have hours to listen. All that said, though, Matthew is not out to proselytize you, either. He will do his best to show you the love of God in every interaction.

Matthew believes that everyone is ultimately better off FOSS than not. FOSS = Free and Open Source Software, in case you were wondering. There may be some pain as you adjust initially, but after you learn your way around, you’ll 1) find that your computer will feel faster for longer, prolonging its usefulness to you and 2) set you free from most of Big Tech’s attempts to spy on you. This FOSS thing extends from operating system, to software (as much as possible), and even to your digital footprint. exists to teach and guide, and to serve you and your businesses through helping you to break free from Big Tech as much as you can. We understand that it is not for everyone, but for those who want it badly enough to face the pain of new things and learning curves, we welcome you into the wide open vistas of FOSS technology.

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